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Wow Mike!!! That's an awesome buck! You are blessed but you've also worked hard and earned each buck I'm sure, congrats!! JIM>

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Great buck! Gotta love those urban coues deer..is that your cabin in the background?



not sure what you mean urban, is that like your avatar showing your urban muledeer buck?


yep that's my cabin, ;)

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Great buck! Gotta love those urban coues deer..is that your cabin in the background?



not sure what you mean urban, is that like your avatar showing your urban muledeer buck?


yep that's my cabin, ;)

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Great buck. Very impressive to take 3 bucks like that in a row! Still waiting on the full story though...Need something to get me through the day until works done and I can hit the hills with my stick and string! ;)

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This past year disappeared with a blink of an eye, the alarm range 3:30 AM. Opening morning was here. After parking my quad, changing into my sent lock suit with rubber boots, My ½ mile hike was on; walking very slowly not to get hot and sweaty. Also making sure not to make a bunch of unnatural noises I reached my honey hole. I always circle the back side not walking through my shooting lanes. As I set up and laid my gear out for the day I noticed the clock read 4:50AM. I was in good shape. I knocked an arrow and laid my bow across my knees. Closed my eyes and waited for the sun to give a glimpse of light. I am always amazed how the world around us always comes to life in the dark of night when all is quiet.


As I could make out objects, I could hear the noisy sounds of hoofs. Man these elk sound like a freight train! 4 cows and a 6 x 6 appeared and were taking turns licking the salted area. They sure make a lot of weird faces after each lick and are very comical to watch as they took turns.


I new I was in for a long day due to only having bucks on my cams during the daylight one time in the past week, It was 3 days before since he was tasting and enjoying my salted creation. I just finished glassing the thick brush 40-60 yards out, as I turned to lay the 10 x 42 down I saw a glimpse of an ear flicker. I raised my glasses back up and noticed ,”it a shooter!” 15 minutes past and he was coming from my left at 21-22 yards only giving a partial front shot. He was 5 yards from my main shooting lanes. I decided since he was acting semi strange as he kept looking back the way he came, it was time to shoot. Drawing my bow on the opposite side of the window and slowly lining up about 3” from the bottom of this check, tight behind his quarter. I touched the trigger, I saw him lower down just as the ICC 400 hit him. With him lowering and the arrow impact it took out the right top lung and also caught is spine dropping him in his tracks.


I could not be more please to harvest just a beautiful God created critter! :rolleyes:


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