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Info needed for smith&weson handgun

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Does anyone have a book to tell me if this gun is a model 10 or 12. It is a revolver. #c 226xxx. If more info is neede let me know. It has three side plate screws and oneunder the trigger gaurd. The thumb pull on the hammer broke of and I want to order another hammer. Thanks for an info.

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I believe the Mod. 12 has an aluminum alloy frame. If you open the cylinder, you should see the model # on the frame, as in Mod 10-X or Mod. 12-X, with X being a number indicating various changes over the years.

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That is what I was thinking. And I do not se anything like that on the inside of the frame. Also it has some slight pits on both parts of the frame so I am guessing it is not the 12. Must be a 10. Oh well I think I will take it to a smith and have him put a new hammer on it anyways. He should be able to tell me what one it is. It shows all the signs of being a 10 as I read some more.

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is it a .38? if it's a 12 it will say airweight on it. if it's a .357, then it's probably a model 13. they are all 3 a k frame, but without an adjustable rear sight. same basic frame as the 18 and 19, combat masterpiece and combat magnum. i carry a model 13 a lot. i wish they made a model 13 with the skinny barrel you can get on the 10. Lark.


p.s. model 12's are for standard velocity .38's only.

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Thanks Lark. I am sure it is a 10 now. It does have the skinny barel with front blade. It is a 38 spl and sure it is not the alloy. Due to the tiny rust pits in a couple spots. It has had a broken hammer for all the years I have had it. With younger shooters and the wife I want the hammer on it for them. Plus who like a broken side arm. It shoots fine jut a bit tricky to decock it.

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shouldn't be too hard to decock it. just noisy. all ya gotta do is pull the trigger. not too cool in the house. unless you're wanting to wake everbody up. some of the 10's have a heavy barrel like the 13. you see a lotta 10's that were police guns from foreign countries that made it back here. my 13 is a maryland cop gun. says so right on the strap. good pistols. you should be able to get a hammer and install if fairly easy. Lark.

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