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3B camera thief

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A friend suggested i post here. I just had 2 game cameras stolen. There were taken since Saturday when I was last out to check them and replace the SD cards. They were both securely locked with python locks so someone had to come prepared to get them. Both are StealthCam model STC-WD1. Both were located along a fenceline about 1/2 mile apart approximately 1.5 miles into the roadless Woolhouse Habitat area.


I dont expect to get them back but would like to inform everyone that the cameras in that area are not safe. I have run across a few while out there, most much nicer than my cheap $50 stealth cams. Furthermore, I would never steal someone elses property and cant understand the mindset of a common thief. If anyone does have information about these cameras I would be willing to offer $100 reward.





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Sorry to hear that - sucks when local guys are ripping eachother off. I hope you find out who took them. Good news is, not many secrets stay secrets on this mountain - ;)

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