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unit 32

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If anyone willing just a place to start. New to that area. Any help would be great Thanks


Game and Fish Website "Where to Hunt" will get you out there...your job will be to expand from those starting points.....



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Send a pm to member raisedin32 he's a friend of mine and just like his name he was rasied in 32. He ll set you up.





I had a mulie hunt with him in 32 last year. Needless to say the hunt was over at 9am opening morning with 2 very nice buck on the ground a few minutes a part.

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There is quite a bit of private land on the east side of the G's and unfortunately a poor example of hunters was shown on our family ranch last year! My brother in law/sister ended up calling the sheriff's department as hunters had entered the ranch of their own accord and ended up shooting multiple deer (more then they had tags for) and attempted to leave them to waste, both bucks and does. That and the fact that they came all the way into literally the backyard of the homestead where our folks live and were shooting right by the barn was quite unnerving to say the least. Had I been there I can tell you the law wouldn't have been called for awhile until we took care of things ourselves!! So now the family is closing the ranch off (locking gates) as well as their neighbors next to them for many miles to the north which all but closes off access to the G's from the east side. I wish there were some positive, good stories to tell to offset what we are always trying to say is "the few bad apples" but not in this area. Sad to say but even if they were not my family I wouldn't fault them in the least and would do the same if I owned land there too! Good luck in your hunting and hope you can find a place safe enough to hunt that holds deer.

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That is a sad story, I would not call them hunters. Did you call the Land owner relations man in Region 5 Game & Fish? His number is 520-628-5376. He has been working hard to aleviate some of the problems in the Galluros. I hope that your family is okay.

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Thanks ThomC for your thoughts. I am not sure who all they called other then the Sheriff's department and game n fish but it isn't comforting to know that we have women and grandchildren on this ranch and the men are off working or in town and these things occur. They were receptive to allowing X number of hunters access during a particular season but since you must drive right through their front yard basically they now feel it is best to just lock the gate and eliminate the threat. Unfortunately this isn't the first time this has happened and guys have even been ballsy enough to not even stop and ask, but have merely drove through the courtyard and went into the ranch. Given time I am sure they will reconsider but I dont blame them in the least for circling the wagons for now and it is more then one ranch as just sitting there listening to them talk you can tell they are not happy with the lack of respect for their private property.

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Broken Wheels- That is just disgusting that someone would do that, I wouldn't blame em one bit for locking the gates I would do the same thing if I was in their position.

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last time in 32 was 11 years ago when i was 12 scouting deer creek was a dam good area. but with the drought been going on for so long don't know any more haven't been there since

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I am looking at the Galiuro's as well. My wife and I have been hunting in Texas for the last few years, but I am a Native Arizonian so this will be my first season back in AZ. I drew a unit 32 tag for the end of November. I've been researching the area for the last 3 months (before I got the tag) and from what I understand, that because of it's remoteness and limited access, pretty much anywhere should be great...if you can get to them.


We are backpackers and I have a 4WD, so with the responses to the OP already, are there other areas other than the Galiuro's that are not overly crowded?

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can anyone give me any information on unit 32 got the nov26-dec2 hunt i am new to hunting this is my second year hunting last year was unit 18b got skunked long way from sierra vista to get skunked ;( been looking up unit 32 couldnt find much other than its highly restricted kinda thinking it was a bad choice now but closer to home so please any info would help thanks also my brother got a muley tag in the same unit cant even find hunt maps for that area that wont cost me and arm and hoof im located more to the southern part of the unit ! thanx

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