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Ernesto C

Experiment on my predator rifle

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I did an experiment earlier and painted my predator rifle. Here is the before picture......




and here is after picture....,




I was going to put another color on it but decided to leave it like that, I just have to put a clear coat on it to protect the colors. I think is not bad for a first time experiment :)


Thanks for watching you all take care..............Ernesto C



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Nice paint job

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You did it yourself? Looks good!


Yes I just have to take care of a couple of small details and hope to post pictures soon of some predators :)

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Nice job.. I need to do the same, on mine I rolled on some non-stick army digital tape on the barrel and stock for now until I can get it dipped. Your camo could increase your kill ratio by ~10% :lol:

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looks good. what caliber is it? i have a .223 wssm that i use as my predator rifle that i have painted. i am in process of posting pics now.


It is a 222 Rem. Yes please post pictures of yours.

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