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Private land

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where can i look up private land? i picked a leftover in 30B and have no idea about anything in the unit. so idk if it has lots of private land or not. been looking for water on google earth tho. thanks

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I am in the same spot as you. I do have a mapping soft ware that shows mostly private land rite up to the Coronado forest. At least on the east side and I was told that the west side was the same. Be careful on useing google to find water some of those pictures may be pretty old and the water may not be there during the hunt. I don't know how much rain they have benn getting down there this year.


Does any one have any numbers that we can call for access?



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The BLM maps are pretty good at showing fed/state/private land. I would suggest visiting your local BLM office. The only problem is that they may not have any outside of their area of responsibiltiy.


Also, check out the Arizona state land office website. You can use their online map to see where all of the state lands are. Unfortunately their website is not very user friendly (actually its pretty bad).




Do you have a general idea where in the unit you want to hunt? I am fairly familiar with the unit (at least the west side) and know of quite a bit of public land plus a few ranches that are part of the sportsmans access program (some with some decent deer).

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I second what bradne gave link to. I use that program with my job. Just look throught the selections of layers on the left side panel. About three quarters the way down is the check box for land ownership. You can also go on google and search for the county assessors office. The should have parcel maps or land plats that show ownership. Finally for overkill, look for .kmz files from the county, forest service website. These are great when using google earth, as they are images or lines that overlay the terrain.

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Also, check out the Arizona state land office website. You can use their online map to see where all of the state lands are. Unfortunately their website is not very user friendly (actually its pretty bad).




The state site is awful at best. Way to slow.


Try this one. I think you will find it much better. ;)



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What are the rules in AZ for crossing private land? From my read of the regs it seems pretty much unrestricted unless they have properly posted it.





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Depends on the way you access the land. You drive thru private lands on roadways all the time, but these roads have public right of ways. If you are hiking into the backwoods and cross over a fence, you may be trespassing. The property needs to be posted if the private land owner does not want people comming thru. I think the best bet is to contact the land owner before hand and get permission. Dont show up the day of the hunt in camo and ask, as this may scare some land owners. If you take the chance and go for it, just be aware that the land owner can ask you to leave and you must do so quickly. I would make sure you do some research into whether the private area has been posted or not.

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go to wide world of maps and buy the map for unit 30B and will show you all the private land and if you want more detail with water holes and roads get the map from Huntmap they sale it at ross outdoors.

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Before getting too wrapped up in maps, I'd suggest calling the Region V Game & Fish office to find out what access routes are currently open. I'm assuming you're hunting whitetail, which means you're probably looking at the Mule Mtns around Bisbee or the Dragoons. Both are tough for access, with the Mules probably the worst.


Maps are wonderful, but they don't show you where the padlocked gates are. You will run into a lot of locked gates in this part of the state.



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Private land owners are supposed to grant access to public land through their property if there is access and it is the only access point. They can lock gates if their is 11 deeded acres at gate location. Also, the land is supposed to posted every 100 yds for no trespassing. If it is not, then it is not properly posted. If gates are locked, you can always look up land owners and call ans ask permission or while scouting go and ask.


Of course calling the AZGFD wildlife manager is best place to start.


Good luck!



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Where is it written that private land owners are supposed to grant access across their private property when it's the only access point available?

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30B is one of the few maps the AZ Game and Fish sells (office locations). These maps show the different land ownership types.


30B has very limited access....best place to start is the "where to hunt" link on the Game and Fish Website.


Tighten your boot laces and do some heavy duty hiking, you will find good places to hunt in 30B, DO NOT expect to drive to a good area (unless you have private land access)....getting deep into the Mules on foot is not for the faint of heart, the Dragoons are not as bad, but expect to see people unless you hike away....



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im in top shape so hiking wont be to hard on me, and bein 16 i can recover pretty fast ;) but i plan on looking at maps and trying to gain access to private land. i will definately have to do my homework cause i dont think i will be able to convince my dad to get down there to scout. thanks for all the help!

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I couldn't tell you where it is exactly written. I got that information from a WM for AZGFD and the land owner liason for AZGFD. I ran into a similar scenario while hunting in unit 31. I spent a lot of time on the phone and trying get answers. If you call AZGFD and talk with this liason guy, he will try to help you with the land owners as much as possible. They will try and contact the land owner to offer funding for waterers, etc for a partnership hunter access agreement. I guess all you can do is try doing what you can, explore legal options and then keep trying. Also, if they know that access is becoming more difficult they too are looking for alternatives for hunters to have access, such as alternate road around or through public land.


I have found that sometimes if you try to get to know the land owner/rancher that you may be able to work out a trade.. i.e help with some work for some hunt access. Doesn't always work, but one of my best archery spots is a product of that, oh and a willingness to share Coor's Light ;)


Good luck!

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