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Calling Coues Deer

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Hello everyone! I've read a few posts on here about calling in coues but still have a few questions. I have never used any type of

calls for any of my hunting and I am determined to learn. I just purchased the Coues Deer call by Modern Call Products last week and

have been practicing my grunt. I'm also thinking about buying a fawn bleat call.


I have a tag for the Oct 28th - 31st hunt in unit 32. I've looked at the Life Stage of the Coues on this website and can see that during

my hunt, the coues will be just starting the breeding season. Is this correct? Does anyone have any suggestions on types and/or brands of

calls to try. What about tips on calling this time of year.Any information would be appreciated.


I have hunted this unit twice and two of the hunters with us were successful. I am determined to increase my odds by learning to call!


Thank you for any information you may have!

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Actually if you look at that life stages graph you can see they are just finishing polishing off their antlers and really aren't doing much breeding. Breeding peaks in January. So late October there isn't much going on for breeding. In late october the bucks are generally going to be in bachelor groups and you might see some light sparring going on between them. It's possible that doing a little antler rattling might work to bring a curious buck in. The earliest I remember seeing a buck follow a doe was in November. The October hunt is more about patterning the bachelor herd by doing some glassing and watching where they go. They are easier to pattern that time of year and that is probably your best bet.



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I agree w/ amanda.


I have called does in a few times but I've never called in a buck. A lot of people I know have however. I have called in does and coyotes succesfully using the "deer talk" call. So far I have not had luck rattling/grunting, or bleating w/ bucks. I hope to reach that goal this december.

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