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Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

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i have watched this buck for 4-5 years. he normally ran with 3 other bucks. they were all together that morning,i saw them. and they were all there the next morning exept "wet" . if monster bucks have started to make 3-3.5 mile circles. i would like to learn why and what the drive is for them. do you have any scouting photo's other than the ones you've posted? please share.



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but there is a Discrepancy in the story

That’s ok nice buck anyway


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I haved worked for steven now for about 5 Years. I have been scouting with him everytime he has gone out. To my knowledge everytime we saw the "wet buck" he was with another buck, expect in January when he was a few miles up the canyon on public land. There is a buck were watching now that has not been seen for 3 years. He has moved over 6 miles to a different area "cedro".

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I know for a fact that in Unit 8 where I hunt the Coues boogers.. They move from the Oak & Pine forest in the winter down into the nasty canyons. During the early part of fall.. August to September, they move miles up the canyon to feed on acorns and other delicate new growth. As far as travels go! My buddy has a camera approx. 3 to 4 miles away and we have both the same Coues bucks & Black Bears on them. So traveling from their home areas to get water or site see is not unheard of. Makes no sense does it? I have water & feed, but they travel miles to another tank & the same feed???? Animals dont ya just love them :lol:

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I sure would like to know who we are all talking to? As for pictures I have plenty, But untill you disclose who you are there not going anywhere!!!! If you are going to get on this site and question others you might want to man up and let everyone who you are ...

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I sure would like to know who we are all talking to? As for pictures I have plenty, But untill you disclose who you are there not going anywhere!!!! If you are going to get on this site and question others you might want to man up and let everyone who you are ...



You know, I have looked at your profile, and the only name I see is wardsoutfitters. So where do you get off telling someone to fill out their profile? I have seen no posts taking offense to you or any of your guides. What exactly are you scared of, or hiding? Nobody has acused you of doing anythig illegal. You brought that up! So what is your deal???

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I am a sportsman that lives in the Great state of Arizona! I go by the name Hancock. so how about some of pics of the wet buck in Jan. you said you got of him? It would be cool to compare one years horns to the next, on a buck like that.

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Lets see the pictures you have !!!!!! I would also like to compare !!!! If you really must see them they can be viewed on My web site. www.wardsoutfitters.com

Just so you know tch archery , My name is Steven Ward I am the owner of Ward's Outfitters. I get defensive because I have been hamered by others concerning the harvesting of this buck . Why I dont know!! I support my family of 4 kids and a wife so I would never do anything to jepordize that.


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i have never carried a camera. last year i got a few on a new phone that took some i will try tonight. mr ward if you have been hammered about the legitness of taking this wet buck then you should want to put your public land (that allowshunting ) photo's , kill photo's on kill site, to the eyes of the world to prove yourself in the clear. you can't take a buck so non-tip out of that kind of area and not get some questions.


does this have any thing to do with all the G&F signs that you were so mad about last fall

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I get defensive because I have been hamered by others concerning the harvesting of this buck . Why I dont know!!


My guess Steven the reason people are hammering you is because this was a well know and often photographed deer that was deep into private land. Now does that mean you did anything wrong or illegal? Of course not. We all know that animals are unpredictable creatures and can do some crazy things. But I think what Hancock and others are getting at is why would this buck travel over three miles from private land where he had good feed Permanente water and no hunting pressure to public land. If you have some pictures of the land you were on right after your hunter made the kill that shows you were on public that would shut everyone up for good. I have a pic of the wet buck from July of 09 and he was over three miles from public. Now once again let me be clear that I am not accusing you of ANY wrong doing. Just wanted to post the picture I have and jump in the conversation.




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It is amazing how this buck is always 3 miles or more from public land. Not 2 not 2 1/2 but 3. What a consistent number. Gee because of this great consistency Hancock, T.C. and desert dog should be able to question Steve like he is on trial. dang thing is always three miles from public land. Judging from that picture on the road that desertdog uploaded the wetbuck is a stupid SOB also. Not only does he stay at least 3 miles on private land he also stands like a statue next to roads. No wonder every Redneck in Cochise County has a picture of him. May I also add that it is one UGLY Coues deer. I can't wait for Steve to get a bigger one for his client this year so that ugly stupid Wet buck doesn't represent our beloved Coues as its world record. Lets face it that thing is a mutant.


Sorry for the digression my original point is to refute the logic of these veiled accusations.


Veiled accusation one: Steve went on private land without permission with a client to shoot the world record buck, that multiple people are watching, and then list iit in the book with all that extra scrutiny makes no sense. First the dude said he would of been happy with an 85". Second, If he was going to take that risk why would he let someone else shoot it.


Veiled accusation two: Steve somehow spooked the deer three miles on to public land and had a bowhunter whack him? That is just beyond ridiculous.


All I can say I am glad that Steve helped take that stupid ugly thing out of the gene pool.


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I know a guy in Mexico where you can go and shoot a world record whitetail with your bow if you have the cash..


My 111" means more to me than a fenced in deer, maybe because I cannot afford to go on some of the "private" hunting land like Mr. Ward has..


Whatever floats your boat, but the bottom line is a private land deer should not be in the same book as one that gets shot on public land.


I have nothing against private ranch hunts, I have done that myself in other states, but non of those harvests are as meaniful to me as the ones that I outsmarted a public land deer, and outsmarted all of the other public land hunters...


Good luck to all of you that have a tag in August, my 2010 tag is filled!!

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I know a guy in Mexico where you can go and shoot a world record whitetail with your bow if you have the cash..


My 111" means more to me than a fenced in deer, maybe because I cannot afford to go on some of the "private" hunting land like Mr. Ward has..


Whatever floats your boat, but the bottom line is a private land deer should not be in the same book as one that gets shot on public land.


I have nothing against private ranch hunts, I have done that myself in other states, but non of those harvests are as meaniful to me as the ones that I outsmarted a public land deer, and outsmarted all of the other public land hunters...


Good luck to all of you that have a tag in August, my 2010 tag is filled!!


To my knowledge, we have no fenced in deer in Arizona, unlike Texas and a few other states. That being said, I would have to disagree with your comment about not allowing deer taken on private land to be entered into record books. If your fortunate enough to be given access to private land, more power to you. I have been fortunate to have been given access over the years. Sometimes it was a benefit, but most of the time it was just like being on public land, with the exception of hunting pressure. I too have learned to use other hunters in an area to my advantage. Sometimes it works and sometimes it don't. To me, its all about the hunt and the experience. The kill is just icing on the cake.

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