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Lucky bean

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This morning I went glassing for coues and when I sat down I saw a red bean which reminded me of Red Rabbit's story from a few years ago. Well I picked it up in hope of bringing me luck and find the 5 bucks I saw yesterday. Those bucks never showed up, found smaller ones all around. I went back to my truck and was driving down hill and my CHECK ENGINE light went on, spent the last 3 hours working on a speed sensor and the transmission. I went inside my backpack, grabbed that red bean and threw it away, don't pick any of em up.

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as you recall, that lucky bean wasn't so lucky for Doug either. Those are coral beans and they are toxic!! Not lucky at all apparently!



You guys might also recall my husband collects these beans when he sees them and we have jars full of them. And I used the jar for a guess the number of beans contest years ago. At least someone won something and got lucky in that contest!



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in elementary school we called those burn beans. we would rub them on the cement and stick them on someone and it would give them a feeling like you are getting burnt. probably just from friction but those seemed to work best

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Yep, that's what I remember best about those beans; rubbing them and trying to burn someone's arm with it. Heck to find some, that was a treasure almost as good as finding a shed.

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After ditching the bad luck bean yesterday, went out today and the truck's running good and was able to glass up a herd of javelina....now it's tough finding them during summer months because they're usually down in the lush green flats, i think it's more lucky to pick up a bean and squash it from now on

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