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Bill Poole

PRGC Hunting Rifle Shoot – 31-Jul 7AM

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Shooters & Hunters!


So, for all'a ya'll that got drawn!


This coming Saturday, 31-Jul, is the monthly hunting rifle shoot at Phoenix Rod & Gun Club! Great chance to warm up and practice for hunting, and especially warm up! This nearly monthly shoot is at animal targets from field positions at sporting distances with hunting rifles and equipment.


Since it will be warm, we’ll try to set up before 7AM and get shooting shortly there-after. We’ll shoot mostly slow fire at antelope (only because I have not yet made up more whitetail targets) from the covered 300 yd firing line. We’ll dare run out under the sun and shoot a variety of deer and bear and maybe finish up with Paper Prairie Poodles. I doubt we’ll shoot more than 20 or 30 shots. I might have the Charging bear done in time, that will be a bonus.


We’ll try to finish up mid morning.


PRGC is 7th AVENUE south of baseline, at the foot of south mountain in Phoenix, we’ll be on the high power range. Bring the gear you’d use for hunting these kinda animals in this kinda weather. & lots of water.




We’ll do this again one TBA day in sept and oct-2, then probably take November & December off to hunt, Then it will be monthly again starting in Jan.


In other hunting news, AES has an elk seminar the same day and Safari club has some shoot going on at SGC. Google for them!











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I did not get a card turned in from Roberto! but here is everyone else's score.


We shot 300 & 400 yd antelope, an assortment of deer from the mounds against the clock and as a bonus shot at the charging bear. Being a good conservative bear, he kept veering to his right, I'll have to re-design the bear buggy before next shoot.


2 guys left early and weather looked scary so we skipped the paper prairie poodles.


we finished up, put the bear back in my truck and right about then the rain started coming down, I mean it POURED!!!!! I got soaked putting stuff away (good thing I was wearing a stainless revolver!) it was blocking traffic with 8" deep flooding on baseline.... got to north scottsdale it had been dry all day!


So I added up the deer/'lope scores including time with a 120 sec par time and get these scores.

The Bonus bear we 2 runs per person, either kill it (+20) or be eaten (-100)


The most interesting quote, first time hunting rifle shooter, who's a FABULOUS 500 yd prone NRA style rifle shooter - "I learned I don't know my hunting rifle very well!"




Shooter Cal total bonus

Bill P .25-06/.300 WM 183 -80

Sirous N .270 144 40

Samer M .270 106 40

Bill M .30-06 82 40

Roger R .270 74 40

Loren W .270 -50 dnf

Mike T .308 -67 -200

Ehsan L .30-06 -131 dnf

Roberto F .270 no card










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