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36C Tag- unit advice

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My wife drew the November 26th-Dec 2nd whitetail tag for unit 36C. I hunted this unit for 2 days last August with my bow, but I really don't know much on the unit at all. I am an experienced hunter and I know how to effectively glass and spot and stalk. I just need to know what areas hold some decent bucks. Also, what's the traffic like with the illegals there? Is it too dangerous too even consider hunting this unit at all with the illegals and drug problems??? When I hunted last august I did not see any illegals or signs of any, but I was at the middle/upper portion of the unit away from the border. Any help from anyone that has hunted this unit and knows where we can get on some decent bucks and can tell me what the illegal traffic is like, would be greatly appreciated. -Thanks

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I've spotted Illegals top to bottom of the unit in the flats and along the peaks. Whether it's too dangerous is your call as there is inherent risk in all you do.


As for big bucks, they are spread throughout the unit as well in the flats, foothills and mountains. The biggest issue with 36C is limited access points pinch most hunters into similar locales. Be prepared to do alot of walking in the dark and stay out all day.


Have fun,



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For a safe area to camp, I would camp just outside of the Elkhorn Ranch, it usually has several hunting camps close by.

In terms of 36C, if you can glass you will find deer. Get some maps and go with whatever strikes your fancy. If you have experiance go with your instincts.

One area of advice I can recommend is to hunt in any of the foot access only areas and get back in a mile or two, you won't have it to yourself, but you won't be tripping over people either, Good Luck, JLG.

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Have not hunted that area recently , however , I used to go through 'Kings Anvil Ranch , approx. 6-7 miles southwest of 3 Points. Got my first AZ. coues there. Think the area was called Washita Pass . had to sign in and out in those days and the ranchers seemed annoyed with us passing through. Your hunting in the shade of the Baboquivaries(sp.?)


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I have the same tag. Do not bypass any of the rolling hills that lead up to the larger mountains in this unit, as those hold some large coues bucks. Over the past 20 years or so of hunting this unit, the coues bucks have been migrating out into the flats a little more. Also, get about 2 miles in and you will bypass almost all hunters. Any of the foot only access points to the south of there, get in 1-2 miles and glass, glass, glass. The deer are in there.

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If you glass hard you will find bucks and illegals everyday. Don't be surprised if you're hiking heavily used trails if BP isn't dispatched to see if you're illegal or not. Don't camp too close to roads otherwise your good night sleep may not be too good due to BP traffic chasing down the illegals. Much of the unit has burned in the past few years - with last winters good rains and what proving to be a decent monsoon scout out the burn areas - there should be some good feed in those areas.

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As for illegals and drug runners, expect to see them. They have been squeezed over the years into the more remote passages north, which includes this unit. It is not uncommon to see groups of 100 or more heading north. I have not hunted there in a few years without seeing groups of illegals. Do not leave out anything at camp that may be used by them, especially water. They will have not qualms being anywhere from 10-35 miles north of the border about taking water from an unattended camp. Always keep your focus around you and have the Border Patrol phone number speed dialed into your phone.

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