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question about loyalty bonus points?

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I've got a question for the rest of you guys that didn't get drawn. On the game and fish website it's showing that I have a loyalty point for deer.This is the first year that I wasn't drawn and I thought that loyalty pts were only for guys that put in for 5 years straight without getting drawn. I was just wondering if anybody else was showing the same thing.


Thx Wade

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No, it doesn't have to be the same unit. You just have to put in for that genus for 5 years in a row. Please note you to apply and buy a license, not just apply. I believe the reasoning behind the loyalty point was that it would give residents a bit of edge in the draw since they are more likely to buy a license every year.



Here is some text from the AGFD website:


A loyalty bonus point has been created. A single loyalty bonus point will be awarded for people who buy a license and apply for big game hunts for five consecutive years. The point is genus specific and will be retained as long as the hunter continues to apply each calendar year for that genus. The starting year for record keeping purposes is 2001. So, anyone who applies for a genus, and has applied for that same genus every year beginning in 2001, will earn a loyalty bonus point for that genus in this drawing. A proposed conservation bonus point that hunters can earn for volunteer effort is in the rulemaking process and will not be in place for the fall 2005 draw.

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The loyalty point will be similar to having the Hunter Ed point as you will allways have it if you have applied for that species a minimum of 5 years, so its just like having an extra bonus point. Hopefully between that and the 10% non resident quota some of us will get tags next year.

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so that means that the website is right when it's showing I've got 3 bonus points for next year. 1 for not getting drawn, 1 for hunter ed, and 1 for being such a loyal, top notch arizonan. yeee haaaa, late whitetail 34a here we come in '06! :blink:

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