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new gun!

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well i got my gun, its a 300 win mag and this past weekend i was tryin to roughly sight it in up in the mountains... i forgot my range finder. but i found out the cheapo scope i threw on so i could shoot until i get the scope i want cant handle the recoil and i cant sight it in. but i was gunna get a trigger job, a vortex 6.5-20x50 scope, and figured a scope i can actually shoot would be better to get first. but the gun kicks like a mule so i was wondering if it would be better for me to get a muzzle break. i can handle the recoil but i dont want to be shooting often and devlop a flinch. what would you guys put in order of importance? save up for a scope first? or grab a nice muzzle break and then get my scope. thanks!

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your " Long range" Rifle will be useless with out one.


You didn"t give any details as to what type of rifle or even a picture for that matter.

Congrats on the new purchase.

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A good trigger will limit flinch. I would wait on a break if you had to wait on something. Just have someone else get it "close". I might be able to handle a box of 150s but probably not over 10 fast 180s. That being said a break went on my 300rum before anyhing else, even before the first shot. You could also borrow a buddies lead sled to sight it in. Im sure some one here would let you borrow one.


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its a rem 700 ADL 300 win mag, has a synthetic stock on it. the scope is a cheap simmons 3-9 power. not sure on the objective. the trigger is crisp just heavier than what i like. my dads rifles are hair triggers so thats what i grew up shooting and like them. so a trigger job will be on the asap list. but i will probably end up grabbing a timney for it. but i figure a scope or muzzle break is top on the list. ive heard that at my age, 16, its easy to develop a flinch so a muzzle break should be put on asap, but i can really shoot it unless i have a scope to shoot it with. thanks for the advice from above comments and keep them coming

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See my post about a scope for my rem 700. I bought a Timney trigger last week and OH MAN!!! Love it... going to buy one for the AR as well

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I bought my 300 win mag when I was 16 yrs old and I had the same thing as you, kicked like a mule and made it hard for me to shoot accurately without flinching. I got a $40 recoil pad on my 300 win mag and the recoil became the same as a .270, I also shot a buddy's 300 win mag with a muzzle break on it and the recoil was similar between my rifle and his. I'd look into a recoil pad first instead of a muzzle break and save yourself some extra cash so that you can invest more into your vortex scope.

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Decelerator pads work well. Sims pads work just as good and are cheap. I say adjust your trigger some, buy the scope you want, and buy a cheap pad. That way it will be an effective hunting rifle. Even now, if you buy the break, it wont hold zero with a busted scope.

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i just bought my scope a few hours ago. thanks jim white for helpin out a youth! he is a great guy to deal with. cant say enough kind words about him

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Do NOT put a muzzle brake on that rifle. At your age, the last thing you need to do is screw up your hearing. One shot from a 300 mag without ear protection WILL cause permanent hearing loss. Muzzle brakes are for target rifles and prairie dog rifles, they are not for elk or deer hunting rifles. Who goes around with ear protection on while hunting. Or, better yet, who can call an audible and tell the deer to hold still while you break out your muffs? Nope, muzzle brakes are bad news. They do work but with a terrible price. Put a decellerater or equivalent recoil pad on it, get the trigger adjusted properly and make yourself a sissy pad for range use (I use a heavy piece of leather with a strap on it).


Good luck

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I just ordered a Ruger 7mm mag stainless synthetic with a Hogue camo stock. I hope it shows up Monday. Still looking for a scope Leupold or maybe a Redfield since it is made by Leupold. 50mm 3 by 9. With the Accu sight picture. I will post pics when I get it put together. The Ruger has a trigger adjusment built in to it so I hope I will not have to purchase another trigger mechanism with it.

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  Coues&Bass said:
I just ordered a Ruger 7mm mag stainless synthetic with a Hogue camo stock. I hope it shows up Monday. Still looking for a scope Leupold or maybe a Redfield since it is made by Leupold. 50mm 3 by 9. With the Accu sight picture. I will post pics when I get it put together. The Ruger has a trigger adjusment built in to it so I hope I will not have to purchase another trigger mechanism with it.



My main reason for building my new rifle was my old one had a camo stock and stainless barrel and matching scope. I had many hunters tell me that they cannot see me at all if it was not for the stainless barrel glistening in the sun.


Youll be buying a Timney trigger in no time for that rifle. THe trigger ust is not a great trigger and adjustability is just not there

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I personally love the muzzle break on my Remington 300 Ultra. Not too tough to wear ear plugs around your neck and throw them in when needed. I've also shot quite a bit at game in a hurry without the plugs and not had any problem, there is a big difference between one shot at a monster buck and multiple shots at a target.

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