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Sick Coues Doe

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The information that has been shared on this post is correct. Two wildlife managers from the Tucson Region were able to locate and investigate the doe that NitroAZ videotaped on Sunday. The doe did indeed have a stillborn fawn, which likely lead to infection and the symptoms that NitroAZ observed. Our annual CWD testing has yet to find any evidence of the disease in Arizona, and it certainly helps us with targeted surveillance when we hear about any sick deer or elk. The Department makes every effort to investigate any potential cases of CWD, and it helps to be able to get this information from those of you that spend time afield. It increases the eyes watching wildlife. I really appreciate NitroAZ and Amanda for taking the time to contact the Department with good information that we can follow up on.


While the Department tries to stay up to date on these discussions, we can sometimes miss threads that are developing. Amanda took the time to share this directly with me when she saw the sensitive issue. If someone should discover something that is potentially time sensitive, please don't hesitate to phone a Department office (as NitroAZ did) or submit an email through our Send Comments link on our web site (www.azgfd.gov).


Again, I really appreciate everyone's help. And while this individual doe and fawn may not see this as a success, our ability to rule out CWD is favorable for Arizona.


Just as in the case of illegal take of wildlife or a water development that may have failed, sportsmen and women and wildlife viewers routinely assist the Department to manage the wildlife we all value. Not trying to get melodramatic here, but hunters and anglers remain the backbone of much wildlife management success, not only because they still pay for most wildlife managementa activities, but because they also volunteer a lot of hours to get work done. Something as simple as sharing this information with the Department sure helps us stay on top of potential disease issues.


Thanks again.


Brian Wakeling

Game Branch Chief

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Awesome! Good work fish and wildlife! Quick response to investigate a potential problem.

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Nice to see the game and fish on top of things. Thanks for the hard work. That sure looked like a CWD case to me! I am glad to see it is not.


When I was stationed in Colorado I was going to go on one of their CWD hunts in the north but thought twice when I saw a video on the diease. Awful stuff.

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