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Barking Frogs....ever heard of them?

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Barking frogs are a very unusual frog that most people never get to hear or see. They normally live in rock crevices and only come out and call for a brief time during the monsoons. I was doing some owl surveys down at Coronado National Memorial down south of Sierra Vista and the timing was just right that I got to hear this interesting frog and see some.


here is a short video I made about the frogs...just some info about the frogs and you can hear the call. I guess they are named barking frogs because in TX and NM the call sounds like a series of dog barks, but here in AZ it sounds more like a croak of a raven....it was still very fun to hear!




This is a great time of year to get out and enjoy the amazing variety of frogs, snakes, and toads that come out with the rains....


have you seen an interesting frog or toad lately? Post some pics if you got 'em.

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never heard of'em....just barking spiders.... :D Cool video as always. I don't ever recall hearing or seeing these little guys before. But I'll keep my eyes and ears open now. Very interesting about the tadpoles with no water stage.



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I think I have a pack of barking frogs that live under the cushions of my couch. I have not been able to catch one yet, as they are sneaky little buggers.

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That was a great video you put together Amanda. I have never heard of them but I"ll bet Lark(270) has something interested to say about these little guys. Thanks for sharing. Do they only live in the southern part of our state? Very cool! :)



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Well I wanted to see this after it was discussed last night at banquet....but it wont play on my work computer...will have to wait till I get home.....oh and I am on an official break! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol:

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Well I wanted to see this after it was discussed last night at banquet....but it wont play on my work computer...will have to wait till I get home.....oh and I am on an official break! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol:


Yea right! :rolleyes:





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