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time to get serious

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i see where buz mills has dropped out of the Az gov race. for whatever reason his campaign never couild get it's wheels rolling. he spent a pile too. dean martin never had much of a chance. he seems to be a good guy. talked to him personally at a gunshow and i think he would have been ok, but he's just too vanilla in a time where need stuff with habanero's on it. so now it's time to get behind brewer. i really disagree with her ideas of more taxes. hate it. but she has bit down hard on this anti illegal alien stuff and seems to back up the 2nd ammendment fully. it's good to have strong candidate when the dem's have a wierdo that was raised from infancy to be a politician, in goddard. the guy is so spineless and weak it's pathetic. i don't know how many times he's ran for gov, but it's been several. if he gets elected he will do away with 1070, he will repeal the concealed weapon law, he will invite obama right into Az and will be another DC lackey. just like mr napalitano. you guys need to get serious about knowing what the issues are, get serious about knowing how the candidates stand. i'm sick about the crap campaing jd has ran. don't really care for the guy, but i know one thing, he ain't mccain. that's enough for me to vote for him. but it's apparant he doesn't know much about what he's doing when he sits there and lets mccain beat him up like he does when mccain has so many glaring flaws to be exploited. like his record. what has the guy ever done for Az? saved a couple military bases? that's the only thing he has to run on, that he's done. you sure don't hear him talking about his amnesty bill he went in on with teddy chappaquidick. and then he didn't even vote for it. and i hate the fact that he's married to Az's own mafia princess. he talks about how he never votes for pork, well heck, this state could use a little pork about now. how about getting us a little bacon instead of letting it all go to other states. i guess thomas will be the best bet for attorney general. at least he was tough on illegals when he was the county attorney. romley will do all he can to do away with 1070 and has already shown his disdain for enforcing the law and his support for illegals. too bad too, the guys is a real live war hero. did a lot more fighting that mccain did. you need to investigate seriously who you are going to bless with your vote from city council to DC. be informed. use google. find out who your state rep is, your state senator, you congressman and your senator. the info is there. spend an hour sometime and get on wikipedia or some other info sight and find out what these people are about. this country elected an absolute bastard to the presidency a couple years. mostly because people wanted to believe the media and were too stupid and lazy to find out who this guy really is. lets don't let it happen again. the reason we have all these different layers of gov't is to keep from having a dictator. inform yourselves, arm yourselves, use your vote just like your rifle. shoot it straight at what you really want to hit. take it serious and be intelligent, Lark.

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Very well said Lark

and I hope people heed the advice.

This is a very important election but

2012 should be a no brainier

as far as who not to vote for.


Time to take back America.


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The only people that would vote for Terry Goddard are the ones that just look at the (D) behind the name on the ballet and pull the lever.


At least Brewer recognizes that debt is very bad and it's time to start paying it. Yes, we are raising taxes, but we also cut a lot of spending. That's the only way we are going to get a hold of this massive shortfall. The Feds need to do it also before we are a third world nation. But, it's election time in DC too and instead of talking about cut backs and paying down debt, they are talking about another stimulus package....I guess because the 1st one worked so well.

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