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Nope Ernesto, he's mine. At 400 yds I hold at the top of the back, been doing it for years, I probably have a longer zero, haven't done the math in years.

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Nope Ernesto, he's mine. At 400 yds I hold at the top of the back, been doing it for years, I probably have a longer zero, haven't done the math in years.


You probably are 4 to 5 inches high at 100 yards and dead on at 300 yards or so. But if you being doing for years dont need to change anything. :)


Ernesto C




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I would hold 4-5 in. over his back and a hair behind the right front leg. 25/06 49.5 gr IMR 4350 110gr acubond sighted in dead on at 225 yds. Then walk over and put a tag on him :P

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Use my 257 wby w/swarovski tds reticle; firdt line below main xhair at the far eft of line. No problems here.

Cool scenario





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Use my 257 wby w/swarovski tds reticle; firdt line below main xhair at the far eft of line. No problems here.

Cool scenario





Mike, I use the same rifle but with a Nikon Scope with BDC but will do exactly like you; will use the first circle after the main hair.


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308 win, 208 AMAX, 2610 FPS, -0.8 MIL, 4.5-9.0" of wind.


Dial up 8 clicks, hold 9" to the right.


1 dead buck.


For most serious coues hunters, this would be a well practiced shot and subsequently, a slam dunk. As I see it, a good coues buck at 400 yards with a 5-10 MPH wind is a blessing.

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Range it.

Dial it.

Shoot it.

Aim where I wanted the bullet to strike.


I dream about seeing my dream buck within 880yrds and a 5-10mph wind.


7mmRM 162 Amax

300WM 208 Amax





Using my 300 Wby and Huskemaw scope and a Berger 168 VLD.... ;) No Brainer!!

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rem 700 3x9 ziess diavari .300wm 165gr hornady interlock sp average muzzle velocity of 3,280 fps. 8" drop from zero at 400. Get rest, chamber round, breathe, squeeze, take a moment to reflect on the collection my trophy and patience that allowed for his collection. Unlike last time because of the lack of wind and the amount of practice i have at this distance, i'd take the shot.


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rem 700 3x9 ziess diavari .300wm 165gr hornady interlock sp average muzzle velocity of 3,280 fps. 8" drop from zero at 400. Get rest, chamber round, breathe, squeeze, take a moment to reflect on the collection my trophy and patience that allowed for his collection. Unlike last time because of the lack of wind and the amount of practice i have at this distance, i'd take the shot.


Just my opinion...(which don't count for much).... But you are a touch far back maybe? ...like 4"???

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animal is quartered just slightly away, leg position on off shoulder is right down the middle of the cross hairs. if any thing, i might be a little far forward but i'll take breaking bone anytime. wind was right to left?

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I would set my scope to 400 yards.

Aim dead on and about 2 to 3 inches behind the shoulder (that is if I wasn't so excited that I forgot to check the wind).

30-06, 180 grain bullet.

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I would dial my turret shake like heck and hope to flinch at the right time!!!!!! LOL


Hahaha that's a good one :lol: You and Sam were the only ones to accept to get excited and who wouldn' get excited?

Every time we see the grey ghost is like time stops! your hart pumps faster, you get excited, anxious and the same time everything turn mistical....like if you were on another dimension, no sounds or at least you dont hear anything, the background and surroundings turn in majestick and mistically misterious like if you were in a dream? your spirit for a moment feels like is in touch with your great ancesters hunting with bow an arrow...predator and prey....stalking mode, getting closer..... :)


Yes it is true and it has happened to the best of us......sometimes you just hope you flinch at the rigt time :D


Ernesto C

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5 1/2 MOA Elevation 1.5 MOA for a 5 mph wind. 130gr TTSX 3100MV zero'd at 100. At 400 yards, I'd be able to take my time, relax, breathe,... get buck fever and miss.

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First shot dead on, next shot somewhere in front of a running deer, third shot somewhere in the general direction of the hillside. Then to the truck cussing the gun for being off. Then to the house to tell everyone I see I let the 115" buck grow for another year to get bigger. :lol:

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