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Another crap survey

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"About 1,400 children are killed by firearms each year, according to CDC estimates. It's not known how many of those are killed by guns left around the house, the researchers said."

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I bet that is a low number compared to other reasons kids die, I think one kid that dies is too many, but they like to skew their numbers to make gun owners look bad. I wonder how many kids were safe because there was a gun in the house.

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Why don't they do a survey on how many kids get killed by people driving and talking on their cell phone :D bet it's a whole lot more than 1,400.


KGAINES, the number of kids kept safe because of a firearm in the house has got to be much much higher.

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They would never report that though, it might mean that guns are ok.

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They don't list all details. Usally statistics include "children" up to the age of 19-20 and don't seperate gang shootings in the total.

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what azyoung says is true. don't ever believe any poll. they're always set up to get the statistics they want. and besides, if "only" 1400 kids got killed, that means that about 50 million didn't get killed. Lark.

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Remember 98.3941% of all statistics are made up. :ph34r: :blink:



I know I have my 1911A1 in condition 3 under my pillow, and my M590 (yes there is a blade on it) is on condition 1.



Do I think I'm evil? Nope, I'm safe.

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"It's not known how many of those are killed by guns left around the house, the researchers said."

That quote makes the whole survey crap, but they still throw it out there like every one of the deaths was from a loaded gun in the house. How many of the 1400 were doing something illegal like breaking into a house where somebody shot them protecting their family. Our media sucks.

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Not hard to see the "slant" on that story. Crap is right!

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This only falls in line with the consistency of the left. They are going to persuade the naive and ignorant with the underlying premise that guns are evil. Would expect anything less from them?


Just as an example... I heard an "official" CNN poll the other day on who thought the President dropped the ball on Katrina. Survey of 500 people +/- 3% error . 87% believe the President was to blame!!!!!! OH wait a minute, lets look at the people being surveyed.

They were all people who were "less fortunate" to exit the city in a timely manner. ALL New Orleans welfare recipients.


That's a small example of how the left not only controls their sample group, but portrays it to America as if these people speak for the rest of us.


Oh yeah by the way,

For me, screw the handgun, My double barrel is full of buckshot needing a home inside the neck and chest of a would-be robber or true evil doer, and yes MY 3 CHILDREN ARE WELL AWARE OF IT!!!!!!!

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