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Shultz pass fire my daughters lost dog

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I have no idea where to post this, so I will pick camp fires. My parents went to go camping near the Shultz pass and they wanted to take my daughters pointer with them and pure panic broke out with forest rangers and fire patrol driving bye asking campers to leave now , well my parents were tearing down camp ,my daughters dog broke loose and ran off. My parents were a mess and they wouldn’t leave tell they found the dog, but they searched and searched everywhere for the dog, but no dog . They where force to leave and come home.

My daughter is in South Dakota broken hearted, she won’t come out of her room, just to use the bathroom, won’t eat or talk about it . I have posted pictures of the dog to every site, I know, accept Coues White tail. Com.I am doing everything, I can for my daughter to help her find her dog again , like any father would do.

I know, back inside my head, the dog has been out in the forest since Sunday without food or water and coyotes. I also know the dog broke the rope and is dragging it around with her. These things are not good for survival. I am asking for any ideas, suggestion or just what else I can do .I know that some day she will find peace and I will feel I have done everything to find her dog.




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That dog is alive.


Fire in timber moves pretty slow (dogs know better than to run at smoke, and be are too fast to be overtaken by it even with a bit of rope) - so no worries there.


There are lots of crews and engines moving through the area, and I'm sure somebody would take note of the dog and radio it in if they saw it.


Hopefully the dog was wearing a collar; I bet its only a matter of time if it hasn't already been picked up by the animal patrol. Put a call into the sherriff (who is running animal control at this point), or to animal control to see if its been picked up.


Here is an article with a website for the lost pets: http://azdailysun.com/news/local/article_9...07ae2b1a65.html

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  SilentButDeadly said:
That dog is alive.


Fire in timber moves pretty slow (dogs know better than to run at smoke, and be are too fast to be overtaken by it even with a bit of rope) - so no worries there.


There are lots of crews and engines moving through the area, and I'm sure somebody would take note of the dog and radio it in if they saw it.


Hopefully the dog was wearing a collar; I bet its only a matter of time if it hasn't already been picked up by the animal patrol. Put a call into the sherriff (who is running animal control at this point), or to animal control to see if its been picked up.


Here is an article with a website for the lost pets: http://azdailysun.com/news/local/article_9...07ae2b1a65.html



have to agree. someone picked up the dog and has it. try craigslist? AZdaily sun classified? forest service fire office?


good luck, hope you get her back.

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call some radio stations in Flag and see if they will make an announcement for you.

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You can call these:

Coconino County Humane Association

(928) 526-1076


Second Chance Center For Animals

(928) 526-5964 - 11665 N Hwy 89, Flagstaff, AZ, 86004


KAFF radio may still be doing a lost pet report

(928) 779-5151


You will need a better desription of the dog and collar, and exactly where your parents were camped.

Maybe a recent photo of the dog. Was the dog chipped?

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Thanks guys , great ideas !

Any more ideas would be great , this dog slept with her everyday, I know I will have to donate my German short hair to help with the loss for now ,tell we hopefully find her best freind .

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