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I just got back to Tucson from my annual dove shoot back home in TX and thought I would share a couple of pics from opening day. I hunted on the lower Rio Grande Valley east of El Paso and let me be the first to say that the sheer numbers of birds was unbelievable! There were so many Whitewings that you could literally just random fire into the air at any given moment and a bird would drop. Just as many Mourningdoves and Collared doves as well. I started the shoot off with my 20ga.( another story) but it was just too easy. I ended up using my ol 1922 L. C. Smith SXS .410 just to make it interesting. heck, you could have used a tennis racket and got a limit, no problem! I have never been to Argentina, but I imagine that this is what it would look like. It was unreal!! Days 2 and 3 were just as good too..


And the pups had a blast!!



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It has been a long time since we have seen dove #s like that! Awesome!

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Dang Scottyboy, Was there no limit :D Looks like the bird huntin was at it's best :P Thanks for sharin your trip :)

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Looks like quite a honey hole there scotty boy. I went out here in NE Okla. near the Amish community, where over the past 3 years, we've limited out in 45 minutes or less (opening day that is). This year I think they all flew your way. Absolute nothing (so to speak). The dove we did kill, we gave to other hunters. We are going again next weekend, but so far it's been about a 1 on a scale of 1-10. :D



Congratulations on your incredible success. -Shiras

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This weekend we drove out to Red Rock and saw a grand total of 5 doves and 22 trucks with hunters looking for them! :blink: What?!? Famous RED ROCK! Yes 5 dove and of course 3 coves of fat quail that I can't hunt yet. So we had it and drove to 36C and had a great time lots of doves and every white wing I saw was flying. The hills are beauitful and very green and worth every second. :D



Take your allergy meds if you have them, your gonna need them!






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