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Is your private information out on Spokeo?

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So one of the guys in the office today passed around a link to a website that searches "open" databases for personal information. The site is called Spokeo. I found my wife and myself. If you do find yourself and wish to have your information blocked, copy the URL of the page with your information. Go to the home page (www.spokeo.com), on the bottom there is a privacy link, select it. You'll paste the URL in the first box, an email address in the second(see note below), and an contents of an obscured image key. An email will be sent to the provided address with a link to confirm removal of your information.


Now you will have to give them an email address. Some feel that's just another way for them to collect information on you. This could certainly be true. If you are worried, use an email account that has very little accurate or completely bogus information on you. Also, the site will only allow 1 block per day per workstation (PC) per day (unless you kill your browser and clear you cookies or have an email address with a .gov domain)


-BJ (ooops I wasn't suppose to say that)

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