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Guest cohofishing

Coues videos

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Guest cohofishing


I just recieved the two latest videos, Phantoms of the High Sierras and The Couses Deer is King. They're both great videos and I'll recommend them to anyone. I'm a sucker for anything to do with the coues deer; but I was alittle shocked at the way "Phantoms" was editted. While the footage was exciting and to those who have hunted coues, exceptable;but I think that all the long, hurried ( my I say bad ) shots, kind of gave us coues hunters a bad name. Even my wife, who has only killed one deer, commented on all the bad shooting. One of the things I enjoy about coues hunting is the toughness of the types of shots and the long range shooting, but I think that the editors of this video could have cut out some of their worst misses. Does anyone have the same opinion?


On a more positive note, I love the way the video got my heart racing, and my mind thinking of past hunts and dreaming of next season. The Coues Deer is King was a great video, and I thought the footage of David Miller's B&C coues deer alone justified adding this video to my collection.


Here's to a quick summer, and a positive letter from the G&F,


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Brent: I agree absolutely with you. It got to be comical how many shots they missed, some of the shots were so hurried etc........It was comical how many opportunities they screwed up. Also watching the main guy, I noticed a couple times that he treated his gun like crud. He would not gently lay it down, it was just dropped like he didnt care if the scope was bumped........Still worth having the video, but sure did make you wonder..............I bought another tape for about 14.00 called The Slam where there are all the deer shot (except sitka blacktail) and the coues part was pretty good. The tape is old, but for the money it is worth it. I will see if Amanda wants to carry it here............

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Just curious, where did you get the video, the Slam? It is a shame that it doesn't show the footage of the Sitka Blacktail. I grew up in southeast Alaska, and hunting those "little" deer is a experience second only to the Coues. Anyways, I have heard about that video before and would like to buy it. Much to my wife's disgust......



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Guest TA

I could go on and on about the Phantoms of the high Seirra video but I'll limit myself to just a couple things. First and foremost because of the limited supply of coues video's I would recomend having it in your video collection as there a couple nice deer and some good looking coues country. As far as the hunting goes these guys are a bunch of clowns. They take and miss many bad shots. They hunt by throwing rocks down into drainages to see if any deer come running out. They just don't seem to take the whole hunting experience very seriously. Somebody posted that they throw there guns in the dirt and don't take very good care of them but if you listen closley the main guy does not even know what kind of gun he is shooting? At one point he is showing off his rifle and calls it a "Weatherby thirty ought three seventy eight (.30-378)". There is no "ought" in .30-378 like there is with a .30-06 or a .25-06. For some reason that really annoyed me. I guess I feel like if the guy is making a video on hunting he should at least know how to pronounce the caliber of his rifle!


I just ordered the Coues are king video from this site and look forward to watching it.



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I would buy any coues video. As for the Grand Slam of Deer. there is a phone number of 800-237-7583 on the video it says BKS productions. Amanda if you see this maybe you holler at them and get set up as a re-seller so this site gets some money off the video's.

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I agree with all of you. Any coues video is a good video. I glad to that I'm not the only coues hunter with an opinion on the " Phantom". I just get tired of the same old crap from the masses that have a negative attitude towards long range hunting shots and I think that video adds alittle fire to the flames. Every hunter should know he's(or her's) gun and what their maxium range is. What amazed me about that video is that no one every used a range finder. Missing is part of hunting but that video took the cake. I don't think anyone will be using that video for a teaching aid.



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Guest TA

I just recieved my coues deer are king video yesterday and watched it last night. I think it is a great video for any coues deer hunter to buy. I would have liked to see some more actual hunting footage, like glassing, stalking, setting up for the shots. All in all it's a great video with some real hogs.

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