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rob krentz article

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this was in the white mt paper. read it and think about it. puts a little more emphasis on what's going on in Az. if you think we need illegals for cheap labor, then he died so you can get your grass mowed and drywall hung cheaper. if you hire or use illegals in anyway, you're a part of the problem. if you think it's a humanitarian deal, then this good man died so you can feel good about letting folks break the law by coming here. if that's your slant, then you're part of the problem. whatever reason anyone has for rationalizing the illegal alien problem, this man died for your selfish assed reasons. also when you read the article think about what the Krentz family, and dozens more just like them, have contributed to this state with hard work and friendship. next time you want to cuss a cattleman or a farmer or logger or anyone who makes their living from the land, think about what they've gone through for generations to hold on to what they've paid for. and think about what everyone along the border, and in this state in general, is sacrificing so folks from another country can come here and rape our system and our "rich culture" for whatever they can, when it is against-the-law. Arizona lost a good man here. for no good reason. makes me sick to see politicians try to get votes off his death. where were they before he died? Lark.




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I agree with you 100%.


The 3 biggest problems there are, is the smugglers, Illegals, and last but not least, the politicians.!


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I can just picture those guys trying to take care of that old cow.


Our country is in a mess and it seems like no politician cares beyond what it will do for their voting base.

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+1 Lark. It's a real tragedy losing a man like Krentz. I spent some time working in Sulphur Springs Valley many summers ago and I stayed with a ranching family down there. They were having trouble with illegals back then and I can only imagine it has gotten worse since then. I pray for them and hope something like this doesn't happen to them.

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hello - thanks for all the info - .270 - great stuff - i sent along the article about Rob to his sister - thanks - Gary



yours too Amanda- great video - get rid of all the uselees government officials

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