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boycotts have gone too far now

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ok, now i'm pissed. they cancelled the lilith fair because of 1070. they have gone too far. when is it gonna end? i mean i never go, but i know that guys like bullwidgeon, casey, chef and folks that shoot 7mm/08's were really looking forward to it. this just ain't right. Lark.

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" bullwidgeon, casey, chef and folks that shoot 7mm/08's were really looking forward to it" :lol:



Now, thats funny stuff right there!!!

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I hear that the U of A is continuing their 30 year boycotting of the Rose Bowl.



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the deal about the u of a boycott. that was funny. the lilith fair gettin' cancelled ain't funny. i know how much you were lookin' forward to it. it ain't for me, but i ain't never been one to judge alternative lifestyles like guys goin' to the lilith fair or guys that shoot 7mm/08s and "other" stuff. you know me, live and let live. peace out. Lark.

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