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Nice article!


I just watched the news of the President of Mexico visiting the whitehouse. He mentioned twice that he was upset about the SB1070. Imagine that!


Now I don't know how you all feel about the Mexican Presidents statements, but all I can say is, Who cares what he thinks!

This isn't Mexico, and if Mexico took better care of its people, then they wouldnt be coming here in droves.

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but your not the goverment they will now issue an apolgy to mexico and offer them somethign. thats the america we have now. the founding fathers would have said fu and gav e them a slap on the back on there way out.

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I bet ya we did not ask China to apologize for sending over toys with lead based paint. Know why? Because we owe them BILLIONS of dollars.

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that qwas before hand its because i dont know if i can say with out getting in trouble for it but pussified america we are afraid of standing up anymore we are the worlds slaves now we do as they say and apologize when we get yelled at :(

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I think they outa take all the people who have time to leave work if they have a job and school to protest this law

and make them clean up all the trash and human waste since they think this country should allow illegal immigration.

And at the same time revoke their (play the race card ) since its played when ever something like this is brought up.

Maybe if they would assign an illegal immigrant to each person that protests to share their paycheck their home and provide

their health care and not to mention be 100% responsable for their actions maybe they would rethink thier ignorant view

on this law. Laws in this country are created to protect people of this country most of the time, if someone brings a weapon of

mas destruction across that border and many americans are killed by it, it would be a shame it couldnt have been prevented

because someone or some ethnic group was offended because the people bringing it could careless. And this country only has 1

count it 1 Flag so they need to get rid of the other flag or take it back and wave it around in the country they chose to leave.





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As I watched Calderon address Congress, the thought hit me...how come he gets to address them face to face?


When was the last time a sitting President, Prime Minister, King, Queen, or what ever addressed our Congress, especially to chew our butts out. I can't ever remember seeing it happen, nor could I find any place that could tell me. Anyone know?

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As I watched Calderon address Congress, the thought hit me...how come he gets to address them face to face?


When was the last time a sitting President, Prime Minister, King, Queen, or what ever addressed our Congress, especially to chew our butts out. I can't ever remember seeing it happen, nor could I find any place that could tell me. Anyone know?


Our president is a slimy little weasle, and allowed Calderon to address congress as a tool to bolster his own stance on Illegal immigration.


If Suddam Hussein was still alive, Obama would probably roll out the Red Carpet for him as well.


The bright side is it is only 957 more days until Obama is shown the exit door!


The bad side is the amount of damage Obama will do in those 957 days!

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As i have come to find out people dont like my lack of writing skills? :( But heres my opinion hes going to make it alot worse before hes gone. he doubled our dept in four months and crippled the country, hes going to put us to death bed before hes gone if people do nt step up!

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