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Poacher Of the 2 Bighorns caught.

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One of my co-workers was asking me alot of questions about sheep and the wildlife laws today. (I'm the only one who hunts in my dept.)

After he beat around the bush, I told him he was pi$$ing me off and to spit it out. Well (according to my co-worker) his soon to be (or not to be) son-in-law was turned in by one of his friends. Turns out, they were fishing at the lake and he woke up to see alot of sheep, so he takes a shot at one... I guess the bullet was a pass-through into the 2nd sheep...He did not know about the 2nd. He cut the head off the ram and showed it around a few places before burring it in his back yard. According to my co-worker, there were 6 Game&Fish trucks, 1 DPS, and a hand full of Mesa PD at the kid's (21 or 22year old) house. I told my co-worker that I hope he does some time and gets slapped with the max. He (co-worker) said the Game&fish just wrote him alot of tickets. I told him that its not over yet...


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Wow, glad to see this person got caught. Must have been tough for his friend to turn him in, but he did the right thing.


I think the reward $$$$ had something to do with it.

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Isn't this type of poaching a felony? I always wonder why some of these guy's don't get arrested, but get a handful of tickets instead, and then have to show up to court?


Glad the game thief got caught!

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I started out saying this no good piece of sh!* deserves whatever he gets but then realized I was on a family site so I have changed my mine and respectfully just want to say I hope this piece of sh!* ,( leaving out the no good), gets the fullest fine and jail time allowed by law. :angry:


ps....this is the one thing in life that just burns my a$$ and I'm not usually one for expressing my feelings as I've done but it is what it is. I hope this person realizes what he has done and shows remorse or he can burn in He!!.



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His story doesn't wash. How many people do you know take a centerfire rifle when they go fishing? Sounds to me that the guy knew exactly what he was doing. I suspect he saw the sheep on an earlier trip and returned with that rifle. If so, his crime is even more repugnant IMO because it was planned and not a spur-of-the-moment thing.


Bill Quimby

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a game manager once told me about a guy who shot an Elk on the other side road (violation 1). The road also happen to be a Unit boundary (violation 2). He drugged the Elk back across the road . When questioned by G&F about the drag marks and blood in the other unit, the guy fessed up. First he had to face a criminal court for shooting across a road, then he had to face the G&F Commission.


Now keep in mind, this was the Phoenix G&F Game Manager. Maybe he was telling me this to scare me into never violating the law.


The guys guns were confiscated and he was banned from hunting in the Western States for 10 years. Now what he didn't mention (or maybe he did and I was still in shock after the 10 year part) was that he got any jail time. Now that was for poaching an Elk. I'll be real curious what this kid gets.



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His story doesn't wash. How many people do you know take a centerfire rifle when they go fishing? Sounds to me that the guy knew exactly what he was doing. I suspect he saw the sheep on an earlier trip and returned with that rifle. If so, his crime is even more repugnant IMO because it was planned and not a spur-of-the-moment thing.


Bill Quimby


There might be something to what you are saying Bill. I have never taken a centerfire rifle while fishing. You might be on to something here. :)



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So........anyone know how big the ram was?


Glad they caught the idiot. He should have taken a camera instead.

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Guest Bandido

That's good news! Most anglers just smack a catfish on the head with a hammer or something. Things that make you go hmm. ;)

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