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Kansas Gobbler

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Well the beginning of April found my dad, two brothers, and I hunting big Eastern gobblers in Kansas. Let me tell you if you have not been to the mid-west to hunt turkey's you are missing out. I have never seen so many birds in my life. In the beginning of April in Kansas the youth gun season is open along with the Archery season. My dad and I were hunting with our bows and my two brothers would be using the boom stick. Well both boys harvested huge toms. One of Taylor's birds weighed 30.5lbs. On the last morning I was set up on the edge of a field and we were able to call two long birds down the edge of the field. They hung up at 40 yards but that was close enough. The 2 3/4" vortec did a number on the bird. It was a great trip and we all had a blast.






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