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Another reason to hunt close to home, at least in our own state first.

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Might have to start riding my grandpa quad to work to save gas for the weekends.


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Hope it does not happen. I heard Hawaii put a CAP on the max wholesale price of gasoline at 2.14 per gallon. Other states may follow, or figure out a way to do similar.

The thing is, the US economy is already slowing. Retailer reports all over are showing slowing sales and it is attributable to higher fuel prices and less disposable income.


The oil companies claim the price jump is due to higher crude costs, so their profits should stay comparable year to year, right? Just wait, they will post RECORD profits this year to go with our RECORD prices even though consumption will stay flat or close to it. Looks like Fuzzy math to me!

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I filled up my compressor today, 5+ dollars, for a little less than two gallons, I remember running across town and back with 5 dollars worth and that was in a car or a truck with a carbureted V8 engine, I am going to have to start charging customers extra when I use air tools.

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Hawaii will run out of fuel. The oil companies will just not bring them fuel if they can sell it for more in another state. Plus, that is bording on Socialism.

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it completly sucks, i bought a diesel last july and now diesel is going thru the roof i just cant believe my luck,its less refined than unleaded whats up with that?it took 70.00 to fill it up.the goverment can say what they want but they have their hands in our pockets.

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I just got back from San Diego and the cheapest diesel that I found was 3.30 a gallon it cost 270.00 to go over there and back . Has anyone heard anything on this Bio-diesel?

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Maybe some of us have relative that might know how to build a still, it's probably on the internet somewhere, anybody selling bootleg moonshine that you can run instead of gas, it might be worth looking into, didn't they quit the gasahol thing because it was too expensive, and wasn't gasoline less than a dollar a gallon at that time, Fire up the stills.

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I don't see why we can't have cars that run on 80-90% alchohol. We could end almost all dependency on imported oil and make our farmers rich. Maybe they would be able to keep their farms instead of selling out to the developers.



What happened the fuel cell that was supposed to bankrupt the OPEC countries? Runs on hydrogen and it's only by-product is water? That's was supposed to be the next big investment opportunity 5 years ago.













I've heard that some people are getting their oil from fast rood joints and when they drive down the road the exhaust smells like a Double Whopper with Cheese!

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Seems like I heard that Corn farmers want the gasahol, but that is cause the subsidy they get. Gasohol actually costs more to refine and make than gasoline and you use more of it to boot.


3.30 in san diego huh. I guess I will stay in AZ and be HApPy :blink: about paying 2.70? I have noted it slowed down on the climb. Heard it will likely go down to around $2.00 again, after summer drive season. Guess it is which "expert" we believe.


It will be nice if the tree hugging idiots quit protesting and stopping new refineries. I heard the AZ one is going to be designed to be able to refine lower grade (heavy) crude which also costs less than the light crude that all the other US refineries work with. 6 years or so till that is up and running.


Lets Drill AK and FL coast, And uncap the wells in TX that are part of the national reserves. Turn off the money to MX, Argentina, and Middl-east, then the prices will come down.


I agree about the price fixing bordering on socialism comment. I just do not agree with the windfall profits made by the oil companies. Fair is Fair, and they are not!

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I'm not too much in the know but I do maintenance work or a gas retail company here in the valley and they just had us pick up all the price signage that was $1. and in our shop they have all the $3. signs all lined up and ready to go......I guess they must have a good reason for having the new pricing numbers ready. It is just sickening to think of paying so much for gas. Anybody wanna carpool with me down to 36B in late October :blink: .

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We could fix this problem and the problem of immigration at one time. DRILL THE MEXICAN GULF!! With all of that oil and all of that cheap labor we could get the prices down. I read that the US is giving Mexico all sorts of foreign aid but that we never mention it to them because we dont want to insult the machismo of the Mexican people. What a joke! Meanwhile we are taking it right up the chute!

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I saw my favorite (cheap) stations jumped 8 cents overnight! Hard to believe 2.63 is Cheap now. Remember the 1970's when there was a shortage, high prices (at least for that time) and long lines. The problem back then was apparent back then! A real Shortage drove up prices. Currently, there is no shortage. Oil company profits are driving up the prices. Just wait and see them profit statements!


They use the hurricane season and extra summer travel season for excuses to squeeze out more money from an essentially flat customer base and use base.


If they had a real reason to increase prices due to increased demand, there would be a shortage. Okay, so many people wonder how this can happen and why the government will not step in. Not socialism, but Anti-trust regulation. It is not like Lark and I can start our own Gas company... (wrong kind of gas)


The government "makes" more money in taxes when the oil companies earn more money. The oil companies truly do not pay the taxes, since they pass that cost of doing business on to the consumer in the form of higher prices ...to cover the taxes.


Okay, my opinion vent is closed for now. I have to go spend 60.00 to fill up! :blink:

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