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Rag Horn

Deer Cane powder mix

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I am headed out this weekend to set up a trail cam. I have picked up some deer cane to put down at the spot. However I have mixed feelings about using it and am not sure the best way to go about doing it if I do decide to use it. It is the dry powder deer cane that you have to mix with water. It is not the deer cane block or the pre made liquid mix. Does anyone out there have any tips for application? For example how many gallons to use per square foot of earth covered? Poor it over a log or stump as the instructions suggest? Or should I put it to a bedding spot, near a watering hole, feeding grounds etc? I am just looking to optimize my opportunities. If anyone out there has any tips they are willing to share I appreciate it. Thanks for your help.



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1 Bag of water softing salt granulated not pellets and the LIQUID deer cane dig a hole and mix the two. Don't mess with the powder deer cane. ;)

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Sorry this may be a dumb question but what is the difference between the ready made liquid deer cane and powder deer cane made liquid? Are they different substances? Or is it a preferred method of application? Sorry if these are dumb questions I am just new to deer cane, trail cams, and the like. Thanks again for your input.

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I think they are the same but don't know. All I know is I have tried both and the deer WILL NOT touch the powder. I even mixed it with the salt. Maybe its just the area try them both in seperate areas but close by if that makes since. There are no stupid questions on here we are all here to learn. Keep us informed on how your mixures work. ;)

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try it all, i have had luck with the powder just using that and a little bottle of water mixed with dirt. it all depends on the area you just have to do trial and error to see what works.

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Like hunt4coues said, dig a hole about 2 feet in diameter. Pour a bag of salt crystals (40 lb. bag at Home Depot for $4.99) into the hole and mix well with the dirt you took out of the hole. Pour a gallon of Deer Cain over the mix and get ready for the deer to hit it Hard. I can get 5 or 6 hundred pics in a 3 week period. Set your camera for 1 minute interval. I set my stand about 20 yards away with good cover. Been a killer setup for me!!!!! Good luck.

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Guest Bandido

Trailcams, decoys, "cane", waterholes, google earth, scents, doe pee, buck pee, pee pee - just buy a deer. :o

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