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Mounts back up for sale

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These are some mount that were never picked up. We are willing to sell as they are or we can put your antlers on the animals. if you interested in any mount you can give me a call 602-460-8356 or pm me. i will post prices soon










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How much for that bugling bull mount? Do you think it would be possible to cut the antlers off and drill holes in the skull plate/pedicles to attach removable reproductions? The repro's are heavy so it would need a well anchored base and I think it's 1" square solid tubing coming out of the repro's. Thanks, JIM>

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bugling elk $700

Left turn mouth closed elk $400

8 point eastern whitetail $200

velvet 4 point rare baige yellowish mule deer $500

buffalo skulls 225 a piece

Watusi Skull $100

Elk leg lamps

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pm sent on quail

Good choice. That's a cool mount.


Overall, I don't see how someone could go to all the effort and expense of taking these animals and having these cool mounts done only to abandon them at the taxidermist. It's not like leaving a dress shirt at the dry cleaners. There’s a giraffe and a watusi for goodness sake. Geez, I don’t even know what a watusi is but I’d sell my plasma to get it back from the taxi. Maybe there's some other explanation.

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the watusi do look cool. theres a guy down the road form me that has a dozen or so. when i first read the post i read walrus and scrolled down fast to my disappointment.


if i had 300 buck i would be beating down your door for the quail and deer set.

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