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Tell me about muzzie in the 12's

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Just wanted to get some feed back from anyone who has ever hunted or been on one of the later muzzleloader hunts in the 12's for carp. I know the hunts rotates from year to year, this year it is in 12AE, just wondering what caliber of hunt people that have been on it think it is. I have enough points that any early hunts are out of the question, probably can draw a late coues tag if I want it, but I think I need me a big carp first. Any experiences good or bad would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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I hunted the 12B West muzz hunt with my father in 2005 or 06(can't remember). The deer in my avatar is from that hunt. We had a great time in the unit and saw a ton of deer. I passed up many 4X4 before I ended up taking this deer. When I shot him, the sleet was coming down pretty hard, so be prepared for some rough weather. It was about a 20 yard shot in some very thick timber. He dropped in his tracks and scored roughly 165 gross. There are some serious trophies up there. My father ended up taking a smaller 4X4 the next day. Again, we saw a ton of deer and had a great time. There are only ~50 tags, I think, so the hunting pressure is not too bad. This was 12B West, so it is a little different than 12A, but there are still a bunch of deer up there. Hope this helped, you can PM me if you have any questions on specifics.



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I've hunted up there a bunch and there is just something magical about it! On that Muzzy hunt, as well as the others, you'll get out of it what you put into it! The weather will determine where you will be finding the deer and scouting a bunch prior will help you understand the different elevations and ways to navigate through the different elevations. Knowing that stuff will help you make the most of your hunt especially if the weather changes right before or during your hunt.


It's the Kaibab so you know there's a chance at seeing a giant buck, but in reality they are still few and far between. The good thing is that on average you will see a bunch of good bucks ranging from 140" - 170" and if a 160"-170" class buck is what you want then by all means that's the hunt you want! Plus you just never know what will step out at any given time while on the Kaibab! Any hunt on the Kaibab is a good hunt and worth the points in my opinion.


If you do draw that tag or if you have any further questions I would reccomend calling Duwayne Adams at (520) 385-4995. Nobody knows it or has as much experience on that hunt than Duwayne. Ask him about his Map service if you are wanting to do it yourself, everyone I've talked to swears by it ;) JIM>

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