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So this last weekend I was out hunting turkey. I had 2 gobblers coming into my calls. I got them at about 50 yards about to take the shot with my bow, when I caught motion out of my right eye. Before I had time to shoot 2 guys started shooting their shotguns and killed both of the birds I CALLED IN. Tell me what you think about this. This has happened 2 times this year so far.



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For starters, I'd say thank goodness nobody was hurt. Second, congratulations on some fine calling. Third, regrettably that is public land turkey hunting anymore. As for ethics, anymore it seems most folks are run-n-gun type hunters. The old way of sit and wait turkey hunting is not shown on the popular videos, so that is not what most turkey hunters see. Ethics is a big can of worms that most folks disagree on. Kind of like religion and women- ain't no simple, one size fits all kind of thing.

I feel your pain, had it happen every year back east. Don't get discouraged, those guys may have thought that you were just another hen. Have patience and appreciate the fact that you called in two turkeys that you did not have to pack out or clean and keep huntin. Enjoy the chase and be patient, you'll get your bird. You already proved you can call em in ;)

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Talk about frustrating! Kinda know what you feel like. Last weekend, I was working a bird on the roost early in the morning for my nephew, only to have a couple other hunters bump him off the roost as they walked right to us...didn't say anything as they turned and walked away.


For me, part of it would be their reaction afterwards. Did they see you before they shot? Apologize or acknowledge you afterwards? Glad you didn't get hurt. I seem to worry about other hunters more during turkey season and other seasons.


Either way, sounds like you know what you are doing. Guess all you can do know is chalk it up to getting more time and experience in the field...

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Yes they did. I was in a pretty open spot and they were not far from me across the meadow. They intentionally RAN through the trees to cut them off before they got to me. Then when I yelled at them they grabbed the bird and ran off. I was furious.



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Honestly i m sorry it happened but i have had guys almost step on me out hunting one thought i was just a bush. i dont know if they really did see you and intentionally screw up your set up. But the way i solved my problem with "road hunters" or just hunters in genral get farther away walk an extra mile because they wont.


but again im sorry it happened it sad but stay at it

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