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Whats the problem??????

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I have been following all the news on the new immigration bill signed by Brewer , and it really boggles my mind that so many are against it and they are all using the racial profiling excuse.


Now how else are you supposed to target illegal aliens, besides their looks and color??????? Duh!


The fact that 2 lawsuits have been filed by policeman against the State of Arizona, both of which have hispanic last names. Go figure.


Boycotts, lawsuits, protests, sympathizers and what have you. People just don't get it!


Are these people so ignorant to the fact that some profiling has to be done to catch the illegals???????


After 9/11, did the United States profile anyone that looked middle eastern????? You bet your sweet cheeks we did! And we still do! The FBI, CIA, NSA profile people everyday! Its called National Security!


When I go to Mexico, I have to show my papers. I get searched at the military check points. I get profiled by the vendors and everyone that wants to try and part me with my money, because of the color of my skin??????? When I go to Mexico, I feel like a target! But do I raise a stink about it. No! It is the price I have to pay if I want to travel in Mexico!


Now the Mexican government is whining about the new law and how they want to challenge it. Gee whiz ! All they think about is the money flowing back into Mexico. Hypocrits! What would they do if everybody boycotted tourism into Mexico, and we all just stayed out of their country instead.


The government of Honduras, El Slavador and all those little central American countries are advising people not to go to Arizona. Well halafreakingullah.!


I don't see tourism in Mexico being much fun, especially if you are an AZ resident. We might just get profiled. Morons!


You would think that if you are a legal U.S citizen or legal immigrant you would be willing to do your part for the greater good of the USA, by not having a problem with proving your identity.?????????


I don't know how you all feel about this, and what's to come.? My blood is really starting to boil over all this nonsense!


And our communist sissy of a president? Don't even get me started on him and the gutless democrats.


O.K , I am done with my rant for today ;)


I am a Republican right winger. And proud of it!

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Considering the job I have, I have had many a conversation with people.


A girl I literally I have know all my life (I am almost 25, I have known her about 22,23 years!)


Anyways, her baby daddy/boyfriend is a Mexican-American named Jorge *****dez. She invisions this bill as him, her, and their daughter walking down the street minding their own business.... A cop sees he is brown/of Mexican descent and for no reason at all asks him for his citizenship and his ID. If this were the case, than yes it would be racial profiling and racist. This is not how I see this bill working!


Also, people seem to assume this only applies to people or Latino/a descent... Do people not understand they are not the only immigrants and come here illegally?


The fact of the matter is (from my understandind) this bill doesnt change much... Before, if police came across a suspected illegal alien all they had to do was call USBP to get an immigration inspection done. Now, they can perform it themselves and cut out the middle man.


All that people who are here legally have to do is provide proof of ID and or citizenship/immigration papers (which are required to be carried at all times), prove they are legal and go on with thier day!

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They don't want to read the bill! And osma or oboma wants votes it all about votes and most news and midea won't call him out on his crap! I'm feed up with it!

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They don't want to read the bill! And osma or oboma wants votes it all about votes and most news and midea won't call him out on his crap! I'm feed up with it!

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I especially love the hypocrisy coming out of the Mexican President.




You have to understand most of those against the bill haven't read it. Most of those screaming "racist" are in fact themselves racists by throwing out that race card they imply that they deserve special treatment.


I love it. I hope all states adopt similar legislation. The down side is now Obooba is on the hot seat to get amnesty pushed through.


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Something I think is funny is how Obama says there isn't time right now to take care of it because there are other issues more important........lets face it he don't want to tackle it cause it is going to cost him something when he decides to let them come and go as they please with some sort of amnesty thing.......cost him his job.


Snap, it is hard to not start ranting and raving, I was looking at this section(political) and noticed that my soapbox is just getting bigger and bigger every day.


Take for example pop singer from columbia shakira or some sort of name....she wants us to let the dream of immigration to continue by not supporting this bill.........what about the dream of being an American, where is that headed.....getting trampled on just south of us here, where is Bob Krentz's dream????



Hot hot......back of my red neck is burning.......

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Now if I was walking down the street in the middle of Moscow,Baghdad, or Mexico city and a local authority asked to see my passport, would that be racial profiling since I am not of that particular nationality? The local authority are just doing their job!


The only way Obama will ever get another term as President is to declare amnesty and get a percentage of the 10.8 million people who would fall under the amnesty umbrella.


On the other hand if Obama declares amnesty, a whole lot of voters, democrats, and republicans, are going to be very upset and it will not matter how many extra votes Obama & Co. have in their pocket, he will be gone after 4 years, and will not have any more term to build his socialistic empire.


But by then the damage will already have been done. The entire situation is a travesty. It will just make an angry USA even more so, and divide americans.


I would be very happy if the Fed's would at least agressively target the border drug smuggling, so that no more people like Mr. Krentz end up dead.


If you have a green card, or can get one. Then welcome to the USA.

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Now if I was walking down the street in the middle of Moscow,Baghdad, or Mexico city and a local authority asked to see my passport, would that be racial profiling since I am not of that particular nationality? The local authority are just doing their job!


The only way Obama will ever get another term as President is to declare amnesty and get a percentage of the 10.8 million people who would fall under the amnesty umbrella.


On the other hand if Obama declares amnesty, a whole lot of voters, democrats, and republicans, are going to be very upset and it will not matter how many extra votes Obama & Co. have in their pocket, he will be gone after 4 years, and will not have any more term to build his socialistic empire.


But by then the damage will already have been done. The entire situation is a travesty. It will just make an angry USA even more so, and divide americans.


I would be very happy if the Fed's would at least agressively target the border drug smuggling, so that no more people like Mr. Krentz end up dead.


If you have a green card, or can get one. Then welcome to the USA.



Brent, I am not sure what you mean by this.... Are you trying to say that the Feds (BP) doesnt already target the drug smuggling? That its not looked upon seriously?

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Now if I was walking down the street in the middle of Moscow,Baghdad, or Mexico city and a local authority asked to see my passport, would that be racial profiling since I am not of that particular nationality? The local authority are just doing their job!


The only way Obama will ever get another term as President is to declare amnesty and get a percentage of the 10.8 million people who would fall under the amnesty umbrella.


On the other hand if Obama declares amnesty, a whole lot of voters, democrats, and republicans, are going to be very upset and it will not matter how many extra votes Obama & Co. have in their pocket, he will be gone after 4 years, and will not have any more term to build his socialistic empire.


But by then the damage will already have been done. The entire situation is a travesty. It will just make an angry USA even more so, and divide americans.


I would be very happy if the Fed's would at least agressively target the border drug smuggling, so that no more people like Mr. Krentz end up dead.


If you have a green card, or can get one. Then welcome to the USA.



Brent, I am not sure what you mean by this.... Are you trying to say that the Feds (BP) doesnt already target the drug smuggling? That its not looked upon seriously?




No. I am not implying that the B.P does not take this seriously. I respect you guy's working for B.P, as you you all put yourself in harms way every day. The Border Patrol does what it can, with the man power and resources available to them.


My opinions are that there are too many holes in the border, simply because of the hundreds of miles to cover and not enough resources to cover it. Its alot of country.


Someone made a comment that if americans quit doing drugs then there would be no more smuggling. Unfortunately that will probably never happen. So it would seem to be easier to target the source, rather than the cause.


I understand their is no easy cure too smuggling and illegal immigration. But with all the money being spent and lost, because of the these issues, we would think that the Federal government would look to a long term and viable solution.


I also understand that illegal immigration comes in different nationality. Canadian, Honduran, El salvadorian, Nicaraguan, Mexican, chinese, whatever. I do not look at a persons legality in terms of race, or nationality. Illegal is illegal.


Our quality of life and financial future is directly tied to issues like illegal immigration.


Why should our hospital costs go up just to offset the costs lost by the healthcare provider because of illegal aliens.


Why should we pay more taxes to offset the cost of catching and apprehending illegal aliens, when there a re methods that could seriously reduce illegal border crossings and cost the american public much less in the future.


How many good americans have to die before our government provides something more than lip service.


I bet that if a drug smuggler killed a high ranking government official, we would see it all over the media, and everyone would be up in arms.


But good men like Mr. Krentz end up being forgotten by the public.



Building the 30' tall barrier from California to the Texas coast would be a good way for the Government to create more jobs and border security all in one package.

The list goes on.!

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Unbelievable a deputy was shot by an illegal reportedly right now.


PINAL COUNTY, AZ -- A Pinal County Sheriff's deputy has been rescued after he was shot, apparently by an undocumented immigrant.


According to Pinal County Sheriff's Lt. Tamatha Villar, the deputy said in a radio transmission around 4:30 p.m. that he had been shot by an undocumented immigrant in a desert area.



Villar said the deputy was working alone when he stopped two suspects and one of them reportedly pulled out an AK47 assault rifle, shooting the deputy in the abdomen.


Authorites searched for the victim and suspects southwest of Casa Grande, near Interstate 8 and Arizona 84.


There is no word yet on the condition of the deputy.


Air15 video showed a Department of Public Safety helicopter crew landing in the desert and walking the wounded deputy to the chopper.



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from the Arizona Daily Star


PHOENIX - State lawmakers voted late Thursday to repeal one of the more controversial provisions from the new law aimed at illegal immigration.


It was among the last things lawmakers did before adjourning the regular legislative session about 11 p.m.


HB 2162, approved by the House and Senate, changes the law to specify that when deciding whom to question about immigration status, police may not use race, ethnicity or national origin as a factor.


That is a significant change from SB 1070 as it was approved by lawmakers and signed less than a week ago by Gov. Jan Brewer. That version of the law permits police to consider any of those factors when deciding if there is "reasonable suspicion" someone is not in this country legally, as long as it is not the only reason for investigating further.


Sen. Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, defended the original provision as being relevant, saying 90 percent of those in this country illegally are from Mexico and points south.


But by Thursday, after the filing of two lawsuits challenging the new law on several grounds, including racial profiling, Pearce backed off. He said the provision is probably unnecessary, as the U.S. Constitution already precludes racial profiling.


What the change does, Pearce said, is remove a target for foes, both those in court and those criticizing the measure in speeches and demonstrations.


"I'm just tired of the games played by the left," he said. Pearce said making the change and leaving pretty much everything else the same "strengthens the bill's ability of being enforced without letting the left leverage bad stuff."


But another change negotiated between Brewer and legislators could have an even more sweeping effect.


As originally approved, SB 1070 requires police to determine the immigration status of those with whom they have "lawful contact" if there is reasonable suspicion the person is not here legally.


That "reasonable suspicion" language remains. But the language about "contact" is replaced with a reference to "stop, detention or arrest." Paul Senseman, the governor's spokesman, said the changes effectively reduce checking immigration status to "secondary enforcement."


"There have to be other steps, such as another law being broken first," he said, before an officer could, with reasonable suspicion, inquire if a person is a citizen or legal resident.


He compared it to Arizona's seat-belt laws: Police cannot stop a motorist solely because the person is unbuckled. But officers can issue a ticket for failing to buckle up if the driver is stopped for some other reason.


Senseman said both charges are designed to undermine lawsuits seeking to have the law overturned on the premise that it allows officers to stop and question anyone who looks like an illegal immigrant. He said the secondary enforcement language strengthens provisions in the original bill designed to reassure illegal immigrants who are crime victims or witnesses that they can call police without being asked about their legal status.


The language in HB 2162 cannot amend SB 1070, which has been signed into law. But since SB 1070 won't take effect until 90 days from now, putting the altered verbiage into the other bill means that, when both become law on the same day, the later-adopted revisions will take precedence.


Pearce said he doesn't believe either change will make it harder for an officer to question someone who is suspected of being an illegal immigrant. "The reason we made these clarifications is to make it a stronger case in court," he said. "This is a tough bill. We didn't water it down."



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so your i have to wait for the illeagel to rape/kill/mame my family before they can ask if they are illeagel. why not just ask up front. the other day i saw four kids (17) who brags about being illeagel. who are known for dealling drugs walk in front of a sherif then go make a deal around the corner. and have heard stories about them beating kids and flashing guns. i called bp they said because they just talk about it they cant do anything about it. So we have to wait for them to pull and kill some kid to do something? :huh:

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