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i got this in an email from a guy that is closely involved in this. removed the name of the guy that wrote and the guy that sent it. anyway, i found it real interesting and it sheds a lot of light on things. comments? some of the numbers about the murders in mexico seem high, but i didn't check them out. Lark.


Here is a report we should all read. This is what is happening on our border and we are not being made aware of. I received this e-mail from a friend and fellow resident of Santa Cruz County who recently retired from border patrol. He is trustworthy and honest. I believe the content to be true. It gives me great cause for concern. I have sent a copy of this to Senator Kyl's office and Senator McCain. Unfortunately McCain must be contacted through a mail "form" and it's questionable if anyone will read it.



"As you know, one of the local ranchers was murdered in Douglas two weeks ago. His funeral is tomorrow. I received three messages similar to the one below from different officers within the Rangers and law enforcement.



Yesterday afternoon I talked to another rancher near us who is a friend of ours and whose great grandfather started their ranch here in 1880. These are good people.




He told me what really happened out at the Krentz ranch and what you won't read in the papers. The Border Patrol is afraid of starting a small war between civilians here and the drug cartels in Mexico .


Bob Krentz was checking his water like he does every evening and came upon an illegal who was lying on the ground telling him he was sick. Bob called the Border Patrol and asked for a medical helicopter evac. As he turned to go back to his ATV he was shot in the side. The round came from down and angled up so they know the shooter was on the ground. Bob's firearm was in the ATV so he had no chance.




Wounded he called the Cochise County Sheriff and asked for help. Bleeding in the lungs he called his brother but the line was bad so he called his wife but again the line was bad. Several ranchers heard the radio call and drove to his location. Bob was dead by this time. The ranchers tracked the shooter 8 miles back towards Mexico and cornered him in a brushy draw. This was all at night. The Sheriff and Border Patrol arrived and told them not to go down and engage the murderer. They went around to the back side and if you can believe it the assassin managed to get by a BP helicopter and a Sheriff's posse and back to Mexico . So much for professional help when you need it.


One week before the murder Bob and his brother Phil (who I shoot with) hauled a huge quantity of drugs off the ranch that they found in trucks. One week before that a rancher near Naco did the same thing. Two nights later gangs broke into his ranch house and beat him and his wife and told them that if they touched any drugs they found they would come back and kill them. The ranchers here deal with cut fences and haul drug deliveries off their ranches all the time. What ranchers think is that the drug cartels beat the one rancher and shot Bob because they wanted to send a message. Bob always gave food and water to illegals and so they think they sent the assassin to pose as an illegal who was hungry and thirsty knowing it would catch Bob off guard.


What is going on down here is NOT being reported. You need to tell people how bad it is along the border. Texas is worse. Near El Paso it's in a state of war. 5000 people were killed in Ciudad Juarez last year and it's over 2000 so far this year. Gun sales down here are through the roof and I get emails from people wanting firearms training.




Something has to be done but I don't hold out much hope. These gangs have groups in almost every city in the US . Please read below. This is serious business. The Barrio Azteca and their sub gangs are like Mexican Corporations and organized extremely well. If this doesn't get dealt with down here you guys will deal with it on your streets."



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Sounds like a fishy story to me......something needs to be done. The minute men have changed their approach and are working more on fighting with information and video reconnaissance.


One thing that everyone needs to recognize is that the drugs cartels are the most brutal and barbaric group of people on the planet, thus the 22,000 already killed in mexico already this year.


I'm interested in knowing why no one heard about man and his wife being beat.



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That is the saddest part of all the drug smuggling/war, is the collateral damage, and good men like Mr. Kretnz end up dead.


The guys who tracked down the smuggler should have just finished the job themselves, and crucified that murderer to a mesquite tree. Send his head back to the Mexico cartel.


Maybe if everyone that lives along the border starts taking vigilante action, hopefully our lazy government will take affirmative action. But i doubt it :angry:


This country does not belong to Mexico, and its high time we send the message.

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i remember watching no country for old men. only place it was on was in coolidge, quite a ways from the house. but we went anyway on a friday afternoon. on the way home my wife was really upset about the way it ended. and i was too, sorta. but being a big tommy lee jones fan i kept thinking about it. what they were saying is that evil never quits and the bad guys may not neccessarily win, but they never really lose either. if they get whipped, they start a new game someplace else. and the good guys eventually fade away and turn it over to other good guys. but evil is always there. we have laws to govern the way we live and we all try to at least stay within sight of the line you're not supposed to cross. the bad guys, the truly evil ones, don't have any rules to live by. the worse they can be, the better. they kill in horrifying and spooky ways and the only way they can continue is to keep getting worse in their ways of slaughter. they take it up a notch and so do the good guys, so they have to take it up a few more notches in order to keep the upper hand. basically all the good guys can do on this side of the border is react. hard to go on offense when the bad guys just creep and slither back across the border and regroup. this is going to turn out badly. even with new laws, the bad guys don't care. it just gives the good guys more legal ways to try to stem the tide until the bad guys crank it up more.

i know this much about this situation. i'm real good friends with Rob Krentz' cousin. never met Rob. his cousin said that from what he has been told by family, this email looks to be pretty accurate. it is just really overwhelming when you sit and think about what "our" gov't has done to us and now even "our" president is joining in the chorus of those who think we have no right to enforce the law. Lark.


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I hear what your sayin. The bad guys down south have more resolve, and human life is cheap coin for them. We shoot one of them, they shoot 20 of us.


Too hold back water, you build a dam. ;)

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I read an article headline yesterday that the press was all up in arms about. Something like "Illegal immigrants flee AZ in face of new law" Hallelujah!

Isn't that just what it was intended to do?


If Nobama was not just a self absorbed politician on the take, he would man up and put out the same sort of message to mexico using his tele-lying-prompter that the BP and US military will shoot on sight anyone crossing the border in any method that appears illegal.


We must prove we will enforce our border before we gain any respect for our laws.

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