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Caliber Stamp on Barrel

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It would be a good idea as they check caliber, brand and serial number, it will be much easier on you if you get it done. Oh and make sure your gunsmith doesnt just give it a custom serial number, my buddy had that done and they could not find his gun, the serial number was coming up as a remington 12 ga. shotgun!!!




That makes NO sense at all. All guns have "custom" serial numbers. They are whatever the manufacturer decides is needed. MANY guns have the same serial numbers- they are NOT issued by the govt. I can't imagine what you mean by "they couldn't find his gun" and "it came up as a 12 Ga shotgun". Who couldn't find his gun?


Anyway don't worry about the serial number- there will be a place for it on the gun permit. I never had them look at my caliber stamp. Also. you can't take anything bigger that a "300 magnum" into Mexico unless they have changed their laws recently. I can't imagine why would would not have a caliber stamp on the gun somewhere? If it is not stamped- you can always take it to someone who has a pantograph or laser and have something put on it.



Well buddy sorry to disappoint you, but if you have ever been to Mexico and checked your gun in US customs LIKE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO they check your serial number, caliber, model etc,. US CUSTOMS checked his serial number and it was one his gunsmith had used and it was coming up as a shotgun. The other thing is the serial number may match on a gun, but it also depends on the brand of gun it is. SO hopefully I have imparted some SENSE to you.

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The machinist we use to chamber the customs that my dad and I have built said it is an ATF regulation that it must be stamped. He will not allow it to leave his shop without it. Now I am not sure if this is his rule and he is BSing us with the ATF or if it really is a regulation. I am curious why you would not want it on there anyway. That would suck if someone put the wrong ammo in your custom gun.

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