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Will K


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Drew a 19A goat tag. I hear it is a tough unit? Does anyone have the scoop for this unit?

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No, there are a ton of antelope. You can't drive very much of it but there are areas that are fairly small with huge numbers of antelope. There use to be a good number of B&C bucks but in recent years there seem to be less and less but no shortage of antelope by any means. Good Luck. Your not that far from there why don'y you get up there and check it out for yourself.

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Plan on doing alot of scouting. Just dont know the area at all. Thanks for the input.

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I live in Prescott and had the 19A muzzy tag last year. Should we assume that since you posted this in the rifle section that you have a rifle tag?


There are still quite a few antelope in the unit, but as was already mentioned, the numbers are down. There are four main private ranches in the unit. The Fain Ranch, The Perkins Ranch, The Deep Well Ranch, and The Granite Dells Ranch. Almost all of the unit is private with a few public areas that hold some antelope. However, the Deep Well Ranch and the Fain Ranch allow public access as well. The Fain Ranch is walk in only and you do not need to make contact with the ranch for permission. The Deep Well Ranch is run by a guy named Bob Burris who will usually allow access if you call him and ask for it. The Perkins and Granite Dells both charge for access and they do limit the numbers of hunters they allow each year so if you want to pay you better call them now. I have contact numbers for all of them if you want them, just ask and I'll PM them to you.


The total number of tags offered for the archery, muzzleloader, and rifle hunts in this unit are way up which means the trophy quality is way down. I wouldn't expect to find an 80 inch buck in there this year and if you do the chances of an archery or muzzy hunter killing it first are pretty high. You shouldn't have any trouble killing a buck but I would think that mid to upper 70's will be pretty realistic this year.


Good luck!

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No problem... PM returned.

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