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200 plus workers got fired by some grocery stores here in AZ because the Federal Gov. did an audit and uncovered 200 plus illegal workers at these grocery stores.



That should pretty much sum it up as well...



Well said Snap



Well there you go guys. looks like there's 200 new jobs. go get them.......


I won't move to Phoenix for a minimum wage job.


I refuse to work for anyone that hires illegals.


I won't do business with anyone that hires illegals.



Let's see you get 265 for unemployment. minimum wage 7.25X40 a week=290. MMMM?


I wanted to see what it is like to be an illegal alien and dead beat by milking the system.


Now if I can just get AHCCCS.....hmmmmmmmm? Oh wait, I got to have 4 kids clinging to my hips that I can't afford to feed before I am eligible. Dang!


Now if you take that $290 a week and deduct as much as $75 - $100 a week for fuel expense going back and forth to a minimum wage job. What do you get?



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Yesterday at the protesting session Wilcox....yep our Wilcox said the Brewer would go down in history along with Ev Mecham if she signed this bill.................. :lol:



Wilcox is a shining example of honor and obeying the law.

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well, bless her heart, Jane signed it. i'm gonna hafta quit bashin' her quite as hard. good for her. now we have to go through the process of the stupid lawsuits where folks say enforcing the law is against the law. all the hand wringin' and wailin' about racial profiling if you get in a wreck or get busted speeding or any other thing where ya gotta show your I.D. it's gonna be a long haul and we hafta make sure to elect folks who will uphold this new bill. we gotta keep that dork goddard outta office first. i still don't know who to vote for in the U.S. senate race. i know i don't like mcain but JD ain't too shiny either. lesser of 2 evils. i know mccain has been there a long time and hasn't done much but whine about stuff. but dang, this is a good start. a real good start. and jaime, what the heck are you talkin' about? the gadsen purchase? do even know what it was? it was basically the last shot in the war with mexico. the U.S. "conquered" mexico. even took over mexico city. whipped em all over the place. and mexico fired the first shot in that war and santa anna got his butt kicked again. so instead of taking over the entire country, which a lotta folks wanted to do and it would have been better for everbody, after the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo, we "bought" the gadsen purchase from mexico. they sold it to us so we would leave the rest of the country, that we conquered, alone. sold it for their price. not ours. mexicans can whine all they want about the gadsen purchase, but they started another war they couldn't win, just like the war for texas independence, and lost again and ended up "selling" a real small part of northern mexico. when we coulda took over the whole dang place. we did get Az, new mex, utah, california, colorado, and parts of several other states, but then again, they fired first. they never would have been able to hold onto those states anyway. too far from mexico city and they were too weak of a country. but again, what does that have to do with 1070? Lark.

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Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

' With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

-I own a gun

-I have been unemployed but currently work

-Undocumented immigrants did not take my job away from me

-I have read and understand the U.S Constitution. (apparently some of you do not)

-Undocumented immigrants pay 7 billion in Social Security and will not reap the benefits.

-I don't think any of you want to pick Strawberries for 50 cents an hour

-If the store owners are arrested for hiring undocumented immigrants, the store will not open, therefor the state will not receive taxes.

-I am not only referring to Mexican immigrants.

-undocumented Chinese immigrants send way more money back to China

-The Gadsden purchase moved the Mexican border the southern part of AZ


Wow you pull up some bullet points dating way back to when Arizona became part of the US ..... Funny thing is we are not living in that past .... WHy don't you pull up some stats and put up the posts of how much Illegal ALiens cost us each year .... Medical... food programs because they got laid or dropped this side of the border.... Cost of upkeeping our lands around the border for state ... feds ... and the Persoanl costs to ranchers ... the cost of crimes ... courts ... prisons and detention centers .... deportation process .... Loss of consumer goods along the etire length of the border where shipments are robbed almost daily ..... (we won't even talk about the jobs and wages ) ..... Like I said you are in a heaven of Bliss as ignorant as the furthest left socialist loser ...... plenty of asians (chinese,thai, korean,) plenty of europeans and canadians all are subject to the same laws and have been sent home when caught here illegally .....


Here is a Hypothetical for you ..... 10,000 people locked in a stadium 2,000 caucasian , 3,000 asian , 2,000 African American, 1,500 Native american and 1,500 middle eastern ....... 1 caucasian has a bomb that will destroy all .... Do you think that any one caucasian who does not have it will care to be searched and singled out ..... DO you think any other race will cry racisim and say it is not fair to serch the caucasians.... I don't think so .... this is about getting the law breaker out of the mix period .... quit your crying and move to another country I am sure it will be better for you

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200 plus workers got fired by some grocery stores here in AZ because the Federal Gov. did an audit and uncovered 200 plus illegal workers at these grocery stores.



That should pretty much sum it up as well...



Well said Snap



Well there you go guys. looks like there's 200 new jobs. go get them.......


I won't move to Phoenix for a minimum wage job.


I refuse to work for anyone that hires illegals.


I won't do business with anyone that hires illegals.



Let's see you get 265 for unemployment. minimum wage 7.25X40 a week=290. MMMM?


I wanted to see what it is like to be an illegal alien and dead beat by milking the system.


Now if I can just get AHCCCS.....hmmmmmmmm? Oh wait, I got to have 4 kids clinging to my hips that I can't afford to feed before I am eligible. Dang!


Now if you take that $290 a week and deduct as much as $75 - $100 a week for fuel expense going back and forth to a minimum wage job. What do you get?




Don't forget those dang taxes also. I agree makes no sense to work for minimum wage. now does it?




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Going from $6k a month down to $980 is a serious blow to a prideful man!


But it looks like I will be heading to Montana for 4-6 months to work for the season, and of course..............flyfish!

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I heard today more than 70% of AZ residents surveyed agreed with and supported the bill.


The Anointed one, The Master Obamessiah has called the AZ actions wrong and misguided. He has advocated doing what the people want but be careful because you see what we got with his Obamacare. What the majority did not want....


Way to Go Jan!

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I heard today more than 70% of AZ residents surveyed agreed with and supported the bill.


It's funny how the national media seems to be leaving that fact out of their news reports. All they talk about is the protesters down at the capital.



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Besides the buffoons in our state and federal government, the media is just as bad at trying to manipulate the minds of americans.


Reminds me of that song by Don Henely "Dirty Laundry"

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What gets me is all these protestors out at the capital are flying mexican flags????? If you love your country sooo much you will fly there flag over ours Then GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!

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