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OUCH stiches, reminder to be carefull!

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I had to get a cortizone shot in my knee last week and you talk about painful holy cow I wanted to hit the doc. Hope it heals fast.


:lol: I had to have that shot in the knee before. I hope I never have to again!

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Tommy what are you doing, get you out of the woodshop for about a year and you go fighting with the horses.....



You guys just keep on knocking on wood, messin with those power tools is serious business even if that power tool happens to have mule ancestry.


I teach my kids, it don't matter if you are black, white, brown, purple, green, blue, catholic, muslim, protestant, mormon......you mess with power tools and you will lose........



Be safe out there.....


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I cut through 3 fingers butchering a buffalo and had surgery to repair all tendons and nerves :blink: . 3 months of traction taught me to use mesh glove while butchering ;) . definitely rub or massage scar tissue to decrease sensitivity when healing. i still scream like a girl when i bump the end of my 3 mistakes. :o


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