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White Mountain Turkeys!!!!

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Heading-up for the junior hunt with my boys tonight! Can't wait!!!

We're heading-up to join the Junior Hunter camp for the unit 1 & 27 hunt. We have historically hunted 23, so being up higher will be a change! The camp is in the Alpine area, and I'm assuming there will still be lots of snow!!


Anyone from the White Mountains been out listening for Gobblers lately??? Any action??


Good luck to any of the kids going this weekend!!





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I just got back from the San Carlos Reservation and the birds were going crazy!! Alot of the gobblers were already with hens as soon as they left the tree. I will post my story soon.

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Can't wait for your story Eric.


And good luck to all the junior's out there! Don't forget there are turkey camps set up in several units to help you out, so take advantage!




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unit 1 and 27 are really great. Hannigan meadow reported that they still have 25" and suppose to rain also this weekend. looks like 40% chance or rain friday and saturday highs in mid 60's lows in mid 30's.


Good luck i got a tag in unit 1 apr. 30 - may 20

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Good luck. I'm hoping for clear roads and weather south of Heber. I heard roads are open south of 260, but there is still alot of mud, but not too much snow. Hope the toms are active and active.


Any reports from you guys in Heber/Overgaard?

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I was up in 27 this morning scouting for the kids they were gobbling good till about 7:30. good luck to all the kids!!!!

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let me know how you guys fair. and maybe shed some light on me for upcoming hunt. j/k i know 1 and 27 very well. good luck

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My unit 1 gobbler hunt starts at the end of the month, but I won't get up there until after my grandson's UA graduation ceremony. Hope the kids have good luck.


Bill Quimby

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Well, I started another thread on this subject, but I should probably post my results here as well....


"Went out with my oldest today focusing on 3C N. of 260. Had a couple good talkers, but they went totally silent after leaving the roost. Hit all the tanks in the area and most had no tracks on most and a couple had some but very few.


I'm not sure if they are higher following the snowline, or if it's just a little early - anyone have any suggestions? I'm planning on moving to unit 1 tomorrow via Vernon and trying to get closer to the snow line, but aside from that I'm drawing a blank. I did go into an area in 3C closer to the rim off of the Pinedale road (one of the few that is open) but found very little sign. Anyone else finding more agressive birds? "


Last Spring, both of my sons with tags filled out on the first day we got out (individually, different days, within a mile of eachother, and days after the opening weekend of the youth hunt). I don't know whether there are fewer turkeys this year due to snowfall, or if they are just acting "differently" this year. The road closures in 3C are a factor, but I haven't seen anything to suggest it's really "ON" along the rim either. My hope is that they are a little slow to get love-struck this year, but my fear is that a lot of birds didn't make it through the winter.


I'd love to hear how other youth hunters did this weekend - especially in 3c or 1.

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not very familiar with vernon side drove over there couple times and saw lots of turkeys back a couple years in the fall.


Um unit 1 by big lake if there isn't to much snow is a good area . . . .around open draw, noble mountain, crosby crossing, boneyard, etc. a lot of good areas



can't wait to get out there april 30th

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Well, I started another thread on this subject, but I should probably post my results here as well....


"Went out with my oldest today focusing on 3C N. of 260. Had a couple good talkers, but they went totally silent after leaving the roost. Hit all the tanks in the area and most had no tracks on most and a couple had some but very few.


I'm not sure if they are higher following the snowline, or if it's just a little early - anyone have any suggestions? I'm planning on moving to unit 1 tomorrow via Vernon and trying to get closer to the snow line, but aside from that I'm drawing a blank. I did go into an area in 3C closer to the rim off of the Pinedale road (one of the few that is open) but found very little sign. Anyone else finding more agressive birds? "


Last Spring, both of my sons with tags filled out on the first day we got out (individually, different days, within a mile of eachother, and days after the opening weekend of the youth hunt). I don't know whether there are fewer turkeys this year due to snowfall, or if they are just acting "differently" this year. The road closures in 3C are a factor, but I haven't seen anything to suggest it's really "ON" along the rim either. My hope is that they are a little slow to get love-struck this year, but my fear is that a lot of birds didn't make it through the winter.


I'd love to hear how other youth hunters did this weekend - especially in 3c or 1.


My daughter and I were up in 3C also. We only saw 2 hens and a tom. She didn't have a clear shot at the tom, so did not shoot. It was still exciting for her. One morning we had three different toms respond to my calling, but they never came in. Overall, we saw very little sign. No track around any of the tanks either. This was unusual because in other years, we saw tons of track and big flocks - only three in the flock we saw. We were very surprised.


I agree, I think that the winter may have had an impact on the population. We will be hunting another unit next weekend.

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How was the junior turkey hunt for you guys? Sure you had a good time. Fill us in.



The junior hunt was great thanks Cade, though no turkeys were shot off of The Claw (or by any other means with my kids.... ;) )!!


Due to work & other busy 'kid' stuff, we couldn't leave until early Friday AM so we missed the opening morning. By the time we arrived at the Youth Camp late Friday AM there had been several turkeys already checked-in. It seemed like the gobblers were responding well to calls the opening morning!


On Friday afternoon and Saturday AM it was raining throughout much of the area (Alpine, Esquidilla, Hannagen Meadow, etc..). That had the birds quiet, but we still had a little action.


Finally on Sunday AM we had a great 'blue bird' morning, and the gobblers were sounding off EARLY!!! This was going to be the best chance for my kids, and I blew it though!!!! :unsure: I shock located a gobbler in the dark, and we snuck in to get set-up. I thought we were about 200 yards from him and waited. Well as light came, he gobbled once and was MUCH closer than I thought! Next thing I know, he jumps from his roost about 50 yards in front of us and hits the ground running the other way!!! Turns-out that we were MUCH closer than I thought, and I'm sure he sat their in his roost watching us set-up the decoy the whole time!!! :blink: :blink: WAY to close to him! We never had a chance!


Oh well, we had a great time with lots of excitement. OTC tags for the kids are great! Always next year... ;)





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Thanks for the report Stanley. As you and most on here know, a successful hunt usually isn't judged by a filled tag, especially on a junior hunt. Sounds like the kids gained lots of knowledge, experience, and quality time with their dad in the field. I am coaching my son's baseball team right now and that is how we judge successful games as well, not by wins. He turns 10 this September so I am overly excited to get him out.


I have VERY limited turkey experience but the more stories I hear such as yours the more it sounds like an elk hunt as people proclaim and I know all about frustrating elk encounters. Keep me updated if you get out again.

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