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Pray for a friend's baby

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My wife's co-woker's 18 month old daughter had an accident on Friday night that resulted in 3rd degree burns to both arms. They are in the burn unit over in Phoenix but from what I have heard the outcome does not look good. Please pray for this little girl and her family. Also strength for the mother as she is there at the hospital alone until family can get into town next week sometime.



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It is heart breaking to hear these kind of stories and my thoughts and prayes go out to the baby and mother. Let's all pray for the best for this little girl.



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Thanks guys for all the prayers. They are anticipating her having to stay at least a month there at Maricopa County Hospital but things are looking good. Left hand is expected to fully recover and there are optimistic of almost complete healing of the right (was burned the worst). She still has skin grafting to get through and then to the Shriner's hosptials for re-hab (which is fully paid for by Shriners).

So things are looking very good for this little baby.

Power of prayer is amazing!


thanks again,



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Prayers sent.

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