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Embarrassing day at the range

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Emb I had an embarrassing day at the range last Saturday. While still trying to find a load for the 460 No Excuse Conical’s, I was shooting 100grs of White Hots. The first two shots were hang fires. I cleaned out the flash hole with a welding tip cleaner; loaded the third charge and conical; pulled back the hammer and pulled the trigger. Nothing … poof. What made it worst. I was just telling a couple of guys watch how little smoke is generated. Oh yeah, very little smoke. I swabbed out the barrel and soaked the breech plug. BANG!!! Finally ignition. Loaded the last primer with another 100grs and 295gr Powerbelt. POOF!! Nada.


Possible problem?


I’m thinking primers or powder. I purchased both the With Hot’s and Winchester 777 primers about a year ago. I’ve also shot both combinations without incident. In fact, I’ve had more problems with BH209. I’ve kept them both out of heat and exposure to direct sun light. When I can make it back the range, I’m going to try some Federal 209 Magnum primers. If I still get the failure of ignition, I’m discarding the powder. Someone at the range recommended a small charge of Pyrodex (25grs) and then a 50gr White Hot pellet. I’m guessing a 50gr pellet from a new batch in front of an older pellet would fall under the same theory. Although the theory sounds good, I’ll still dispose of the remaining pellets safely. I also have a 10oz bottle of BH209 I’ve never opened. I’m hoping that will still be good. If not the Pyrodex is the newest bottle and has been igniting without incident. And if the problem is the powder has just gone bad, I’ll have to make sure I always have fresh powder especially if I get a hunt.

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To me sounds like you're not using a hot enough primer. With a lot of these new powders, you really do need to using a 209 shotgun primer vs the other inline/modern primers. BH209 is very specific about this, and with pellet's I think that adds to it as well. Good luck on resolving your issues.

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Switched over to Federal 209 Magnums and had great ignition. Now the problem was a soot ring in the barrel. The ring was formed from an over the powder wad. I'm shooting a 460gr NoExcuse conical and I wasn't happy with the grouping (or lack there of) when used with Pyrodex (with or without the wad). On a positive note, I did get a group with the White Hots about an inch at 60 yards. Blackhorn 209 is next.

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The blackhorn 209 is awesome, tight groups and easy to clean!! 9 shots before I had to run a patch and I only did that as I was using TMZ bullets which are to close to the diameter of my gun barrel and I was afraid I would break my ram rod and skewer my hand. It cleans so easy you will never shoot any other powder(no ring in the barrel like with other powders) You HAVE to use good 209 primers with it though.

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