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Outdoor Writer

Vote on Bc Bear Hunt

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This is a cross-post from another hunting site I frequent. Please vote.




CBC.ca is having a poll about the sustainability of the "trophy" grizzly bear hunt in BC.


The grizzly hunt in BC is entirely by limited entry (or in the case of non-residents, there is a quota for guide-outfitters). Using a VERY conservative estimate of the population, and annual allowable harvest is set at less than 2% of the population, and it's illegal to shoot any bear in the company of cubs.


The grizzly bear population has been increasing for at least the last decade, and are re-colonizing habitats that they were pushed out of many decades earlier.


We can use help maintaing this hunt in BC as we are currently under a lot of pressure from anti--hunting groups that used the Olympics as a springboard for their revived campaigns.


Please VOTE here.... http://www.cbc.ca/bc/





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Thanks Tony, they got a yes from me. It is down the page a little bit when you first open it up, so just scroll down until you find it. ;)

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