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finally a coues horn

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Took off on a solo trip this last week. Went into some older and favorite areas.

I found a coues horn. First one in a while. Yeah I wish it was a big-o brown too.

It was not a big one but this way i'm politically correct for posting on this website. :P


I seen my little buddy on the way in. Last year one of my shoes disapeared from camp in this general area.

I think it was him or one of his kin. I actually ran across a group of about 30 of them which surprised me a bit.

None of them were wearing a size 10 Colman shoe though.



This was my first brown for the trip. This was also the first time in about 3 years that I have found a brown in this wash. This was about an 11 pound ant. even though he was broken on his 4th.



This is a year old antler I found in the bottom of a wash. Even at a year old it was still a 12 pound horn.

This antler had a split tine on the eyegaurd and alot of mass to boot.


This was my highlight of the trip. Finding an 8 point brown adds a little bounce to your step at the end of a day.





Found about all I wanted to pack back. In all I found 10 elk sheds ,1 mule deer shed, and 1 coues deer shed.

Pack was around 100 pounds which was plenty enough for me.


Wide loads are always fun in the brush. The older I get, the more respect I have for donkeys.


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Super trip! Great mass on those brownies, and your ability to pack that much amazes me! Congrats.

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This just isn't funny anymore. I look at your photos and get depressed... I'll never have a day like that! You are unreal. So is that 8 pnt brown.


Jonathan, more depressing is knowing you missed the trip cause you were supposed to work, then the wind blows 50mph and your not working but sitting at home while your best bro is collecting yet another pack full, wishing you were doing the same.......... now that's deppressing.

Short lived though when I got to hold those antlers yesterday, view the footage of the trip and rumage through his piles of sheds once again, then you can't help but just be happy for the dude :) ....... The 8 point is a low 380's class and it has a domed pedicle rather than concaved,, theory says that bull will be bigger next year.


Jason, A fitting antler for your 1000'th Keeper horn, Congrats man- can't say it enough!


All by yourself, good thing the gang of Kooki Monkeys didn't jump you again for a right boot, close one!

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Ya know what blows? Every shed hunt I've been on, I've gotten skunked minus a little 2 year old spike shed from last week. Seems I only find the sheds on a turkey hunt, but I can scour miles of country looking for one good shed and come back empty time and again. Congrats on those awesome finds. Just once I wanna see a big old brown laying out somewhere that I know they are dopping - sorry for the "sour grapes" but I've put some serious miles on my boots in the past couple years trying to get a good brownie and all I find are bulls still wearing their headgear. I'm a little jealous - but hey, that's how shed hunting goes.

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Oh man that is awesome man!! Where the crap is that match to that big 8?!?!?!?!

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Nice looking pack load of horns you got there. If you let me know where you found them I will stay out of the area and let you find the match to that 8. :rolleyes:



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