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Help out akid?

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I got this email the other day. I don't have any sheds right now or I would send him some. Maybe some one could help him? I didn't want to post his address on here, but I have it if you want it or email him for it.











I noticed on your website that you have quite a few antlers. Well I too, am a antler collector. I have been collecting now for about 3 years. I am 15, and I thought that collecting antlers would be something good to collect. I am an avid hunter, so thats got some effect on why I collect them. I have a lot of whitetail and thats about it. I am from Indiana, so thats all I can find around here. Last year I found out more about the Coues' deer. They are the top on my list of antlers to get right now. I have been trying to add one to my collection since last year. So far I haven't been able to find any. I was hoping if you could that you would send me one. It honestly doesn't matter too me how big it is. I just would really like one, even a set. Wow, I never even thought about owning a set of coues deer antlers. Well I hope you would please send me one. Thanks a whole lot. This would really mean a lot too me. God Bless you. Thanks very much again, I would appreciate this very much!

God Bless You!

Daniel Johnson

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Well, I guess he didn't want it too badly then. I'll see if I still have his email and send him a reminder.



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I received the same email last year, and I know of an outfitter that received the same message this year.


It may be some kind of hoax.

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