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some pics from 09' turkey hunt

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well on my turkey hunt i really shoulda had a turkey a gobbler a gobbler at that. i was running after them turned the corner, saftey was one and then he was gone. but here are some pics of what we saw and called in a bull.







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respectable bull. barely has his 5th (2nd sword). but anyone would like to take him. there was a bigger bull in the bunch but didn't come in close enough. and nice ram's by ____ ____! . . . .can you guess where they are? what unit? lol sorry i like teasing. anyway if you want help on unit__ bull early or late i can put you on them. didn't see another hunter there (hunting this area 5 days of 7) helping a buddy. -so basically we put a camera on this trail for two months and know when they come and go

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units 27 behind esc. mt


it was funny didn't see a lot of hunters out there. and not a lot of road hunter at least where we hunted

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