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Gigs UP!!! What's up with the leftover tags?????

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Anybody else wondering why there are leftover Rifle Antelope tags this year for a unit that drew 6% last year. Also what are the Hunt number 3811, 3812,3813 hunts?????? Are these the Hopi Unit Hunts???

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me too same thing for elk hunts

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Hopi hunts.

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ya think somethings up??? left over 5a antelope permits?? 1 rifle and 4 archery????? right how is this possible? 5a rifle averages 700 apps per year :blink: I know some have backed off putting in this year but come on :huh: leftover antelope??? I have lived in this state for alongtime and have never seen that?? makes ya wonder doesnt it.... :blink:

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Some are saying they are the hopi hunts, but I don't ever remember them showing these leftovers before.


This is the first year they have had the hopi hunts, normally it is just the hunts for the army base and they do a different draw for that.

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There for the Hopi Trusts lands in 4a, 5a, &5b, way to go azgfd, set asside these tags for hopi members and non of them put in for the tags. So my question is, what if these tags go unsold, will they be up for grabs for non-tribal members to hunt on our state land. The way it reads now is that Non-Hopi Tribal members cannot apply for these tags. We shall see.

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Remember this was a deal made with the Hopi Tribe to allow non-members to hunt on the tribal lands in exchange for a set aside of tags for tribal members. I wondered how this would play out. Doubt any of those tags will go to non-tribal members.

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If these are Hopi hunts for elk, I find it interesting that there are permits left. In the regs, the number of permits are not listed for these hunts. Nor are the hunt numbers. So, if the number permits are not listed, I wonder how there can be any left???

Why do you guys think these are Hopi hunts? I am going to call and check on it - in a few days when I can get through.

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If these are Hopi hunts for elk, I find it interesting that there are permits left. In the regs, the number of permits are not listed for these hunts. Nor are the hunt numbers. So, if the number permits are not listed, I wonder how there can be any left???

Why do you guys think these are Hopi hunts? I am going to call and check on it - in a few days when I can get through.



I think the Hopi hunts are a crock of you know what. Looks like the Tribal members dont want to pay for the permits, nor do I blame them. Have you seen the prices for us to hunt on their lands, bs, why dont we charge them fees like they do us, besides why would they want to pay for tags, when some nations they get them free or very discounted. All I see is that for those units our tags were taken away for what? Working relations to retain some land. Just my thought.

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couesdiehard posted this info in another thread about the origin of the Hopi hunts.



Per Region 2 office, the leftover Hopi permits are valid unit wide and not limited to just Hopi lands.

Red Rabbit, I thought those leftovers were good for the entire units the way I read it. Did the Region 2 office confirm that only Hopi tribal members can apply for these leftovers?

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Yes, the permits are valid for the entire unit. As written on the G&F leftover list, both tribal and non-tribal members can apply.

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