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Social Security Meltdown


Why are we not hearing more about this?


For the first time in almost 30 years Social Security will be paying out more benefits than revenue received. The Congressional Budget Office projected this would not occur until 2017. As a result of the recession the shortfall will actually occur this year to the estimated tune of $29 Billion. Now with all the Billions our government has been spending in the last two years it doesn’t seem like a major deal and should be easily paid for out the $2.5 Trillion – yes, Trillion dollar excesses paid into the social security trust since the early 1980’s. But guess what, all that remains of the $2.5 TRILLION is a bunch of IOUs. So now we have to go out and borrow even more money all because the Jacka$$es in Washington couldn’t keep their greedy little hands off a reserved pot of money and felt it was ok to hide true budget deficits by raiding social security to fund pet projects.


This year’s budget deficit is estimated to be a new record at $1.5 TRILLION with TRILLION dollar deficits projected for the next few years.


We need to stop this madness…vote them all out!


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We are not hearing more about that because the government does not like the truth reaching the eyes and ears of the public.


Our government in their almighty, and infinite wisdom, are "robbing Peter to pay Paul", and someday Peter is going to demand his money back.

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