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I have a question about badgers maybe you guys/gals can answer. Up until a few months ago I had seen four badgers alive or dead in my life (35yrs), in the last two months or so I have seen four dead on roads, and they all appear to be fully grown. Is it due to all the rain this year, or maybe I haven't been paying attention over the last few decades.

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BADGERS!? WE DON'T NEED NO STINKEEN' BADGERS!!! sorry, i couldn't help myself.......... you're probably just lucky. ya never see a whole bunch o' badgers. they're always in a hole somewhere. i'm the only guy i know who ever chased one down and killed it with one rock, too. Lark.

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I was wondering the same thing, I saw this guy dead and rotten just a couple of weeks ago. I wonder if he died in the tree or someone put him there. I didn't see any bullet holes or any trauma.



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Hey, you're right there have been a couple of them dead along the roads up north.

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i see at least one every week crossing hwy 286. They seem to move right before dark. I saw two last week though during the middle of the day. I gues cuz it was cloudy and really cool out.

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You probably have the answer already. It would be kinda hard to live in a hole that's full of water!


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I have seen most in 42m, the most recent about a mile from my house.

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One of my older brothers used to make a living trapping. One day I was with him out in the cinder hills N. of Flagtown. We came to check a trap that had been set off. There were no drag marks leading away in the loose cinders, just a tore up set and a missing trap. As we stood there and pondered the mystery, my bro says, "Listen!" We froze and gave a good hard ear to locate a scratching/digging noise in the ground a pace or two away from our feet. Matt says, "It's a badger!" as he sprints away to the truck to get a shovel.

He dug directly over the noise and found nothing! The badger had moved! Again we listened, dug, and missed. And again. Finally got smart and dug ahead of the animal only to catch up to the drag chain - a near miss. We grabbed a hold of the chain and were pulling on it when the hind foot of a badger appeared. Ever had a badger at the end of a 4 foot chain?!

The tug-o-war was on and then the trap popped of, as it was only holding a toe.

The mad race began between a man with a shovel and a wild badger in a sea of cinder.

My brother won.


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I can think of a lot of things I would rather fight, at least there were two of you and one had a shovel, you guys may have had a very slight advantage. I think Lark needs to tell us how you should of done it. The only live ones I have seen were while dove hunting and I didn't mess with them.

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