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Runoff from the fire out toward Superior has started to turn the waterfalls and creekbeds black.


Check out these photos, one is from the Silver King wash at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum (it's a normally dry wash). And the others are photos of the waterfall that cascades down in the canyon between Globe/Miami and Superior. Pretty amazing looking!










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It's been a long time since I have seen that water fall have that much water!

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I hope they dropped some seed on that area. Oh My gosh... I cannot believe how black that water is.


I have a 24b tag and though I don't plan to be in the burn area, I am wondering how it might affect the hunt pressure in the resot of the unit. Maybe the edges of the burn would be good for hunting as there will be new growth?


Is there an arial photo or map showing the exact fireline from the Peachville fire? I have surfed around a lot but cannot find one. Seems like they used to post those but I will be darned if I can find them. I plan to go do some scouting soon but on th ground, 10,000 acres is tough to document.

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Thats crazy. I can't believe how black that water is. :P

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Same thing has been happening at Roosevelt from the Three Fire and the Edge Complex Fife in the Mazatzal Mtns.

Guess all those brand new fish that got hatched in the new cover will have a lake full of nutrients to grow on.


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