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fishing could be coming under attack by bogus means.

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What’s next take a wild guess?

Legal Gun owners for sure are next. Look at what is going on I Chicago with there gun laws that BS all stems from him.

He doesn’t care about the right to bare arms. He’s the president in his mined its ok to bend, change the rules and the bases of what this country is based on.


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You have to get everyone you know that hunts, fishes and owns a firearm to join their favorite organization. Even people who don't fall into these groups need to be shown, how one by one, our freedoms are being dimished or taken away. Most people wait for someone else to do the work and then it's too late when a bad bill or regulation passes. Get mad! Get involved! Work to get the right people elected to office! The political section of this website is one of the most important but one of the least used. SAD! :angry: :angry:

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Heard from a national wildlife group meeting a week ago that There is no worries for fishing based on the pro sportsman lawyers and experts that reviewed the info with the gov't.

At least not with this specific legislation anyway...

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